An Uncomplicated Life Blog: Happy 2nd Anniversary To Us!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Happy 2nd Anniversary To Us!

Celebrating two years of marriage and counting

I saw an internet meme this past fall that said something to the effect of "Thanks to Disney, I have impossible standards in men... Animals don't help me clean... Blah blah." The animals not coming out of the woodwork to help clean was funny, but the whole Prince Charming thing got me thinking... And you know what? I pretty much married him. My husband is about the closest thing to perfect (for me) that exists. This post is a big shout out to him, as we celebrate our 2nd anniversary, which is in fact today!

Now, I have made colossal mistakes in my life. I think we all have at some point. However... The one thing I did NOT mess up, made zero mistakes about, did such a kick a$$ job I even impressed myself with? Picking my husband.

Engagement photo, spring 2013

He lets me sleep in both days of the weekend because he knows that what he feels like with 6 hours of sleep, I feel like with 9 hours. I'm a sleeper. Which is a struggle when you're also a mom of young children. He has the calm, likable demeanor that is able to extinguish all the fires I light with my "spicy" personality. When I tell him I need to spend too much money on clothes, he just smiles and says, "Sure babe. Get the jeans. It's ok."

Wedding day, 01/18/2014 (I'm 5 months pregnant in that Amsale dress!)

When we were house hunting last year, he told our realtor, "Just make my wife happy. And don't go too far over budget!" In fact, when we put the offer in on our home, he hadn't even seen it yet. He was traveling for work. I put the offer together and asked him if he wanted to wait. He asked, "Why? You're an expert negotiator. I know you wrote a great deal! And if you like the house, I'm happy." Yes. This is my real life.

Family selfie while I was pregnant with Otto, fall 2015

We've been married for two years now; together for almost four. In less than five years, we've moved 1100 miles, moved homes three times, bought a "forever home" and had - yes HAD, not just pregnant with! - two handsome little boys. We didn't get married young, nor did we start a family young. Far older than the average American, in fact. I feel like "good things come to those who wait" was written after us.

Happy 2nd Anniversary to us!


  1. So cute. I'm happy for you!

  2. Way to go, girl! It sounds like you picked a winner :) I'm so guilty of not giving my awesome husband the public credit he deserves because when I look around to other people's relationships, I think mine must be too good to be true! Marriage is not all sunshine and rainbows but when you have found the right person, it is just SO worth it!! Happy Anniversary!

  3. Sounds like you have a keeper for sure! Happy anniversary!

  4. Awwwwwww love hearing about all the reasons why he is so fabulous. I feel you on the waiting for the right one, when you finally meet that person it all just clicks. Plus he knows the secret to all marriages, keep my wife happy. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!

  5. SO cute!! It sounds like you have a definite treasure in your hubby!! Happy Anniversary!!! :)

  6. Happy anniversary! You two are the sweetest.
    I agree about that Disney thing. I see it and think, "how sad. I hit the jackpot with my Prince Charming."

  7. Happy anniversary! Congratulations on the new milestone - your family is beautiful!

  8. I love anniversary posts! Happy anniversary!

  9. Happy anniversary! It sounds like you guys are two peas in a pod :)
    Good men are such a blessing! I have an awesome keeper too. Two months until our 2nd anni! Woot woot!
    I hope you are able to celebrate together today.

  10. You guys are too cute! Your husband sounds amazing! Happy second anniversary! Hope you have a wonderful day! And you are the most beautiful pregnant woman--seriously 5 months pregnant in that Amsale gown! Gorgeous!

    Annie- All Things Big And Small

  11. Happy Anniversary Paige!!! It's so great to have men that allows us to live out our "spicy" personalities. Lord know I have to have a man like that because I can be a bit much at times. Now my boyfriend doesn't exactly like when I overspend money but he knows I do it at times (okay more than just a few times). Hope y'all enjoy celebrating today!!!

  12. What a sweet tribute to your hubby. When we meet our perfect match it really is a fairy tale. You two are adorable! Happy Anniversary my dear!

  13. This was such a cute post and happy anniversary :)
    Your husband sounds like a sweetheart.

    xoxo, Jenny

  14. I hope you had a really nice anniversary together yesterday. ;) xo

  15. Congratulations on your anniversary, you two look adorable! I just loved reading this post, always makes me happy to read such sweet things about marriage. This post resonates with me to such a great extent - I married my prince charming and I am super proud of my choice too, haha :)
    Keep smiling and here's to another great year ahead for you guys!
    xx, Kusum |

  16. Happy anniversary to you both - you two are a perfect match! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  17. awwww you all are adorable, and i love that he's your prince charming. KC definitely isn't the kind of guy to let me spend whatever i want or anything, but i feel the same - he's perfect for me. i needed someone to calm my shopaholic tendencies down haha! he lets me do whatever i want travel wise, which is a big deal because he's not the biggest fan of travelling. happy anniversary!

  18. happy anniversary! your wedding pictures are gorgeous!!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

  19. I'm glad and extra future years to both of you. Happy 2nd anniversary.
