And now for the moment of truth: I need to change my posting schedule. Again. I dropped down to MWF, but I need to reduce the posts even more to just twice a week - Monday and Thursday. As it would turn out, having a newborn and a toddler is no joke. On top of that, I have a newborn who doesn't like to sleep at night. I'm averaging about 3-4 hours of sleep (not straight, in 45 min increments!) and cannot nap during the day with a toddler to chase after. It's been a little rough around here.
The funny thing is everything about having Otto has been SO much easier the second time around since I kinda sorta have a clue with baby 2. Except this sleep deprivation business. That has been miserable. And it leaves very little time for blogging! Thus, the new Monday and Thursday posting schedule. Please hang with me, dark under-eye circles and all, until I'm able to post regularly again. Until then, enjoy the Monday Thursday reads and know that I'll be reading others' blogs as much as possible too!
Family comes first. Always. You need to take care of you first, and then baby, and then everything else!
ReplyDeleteSending you much love and strength momma xo
ReplyDeletemuch love and strength
ReplyDeleteAlways family first! <3 we will be here!
ReplyDeleteTotally understandable! Hope you're able to get some decent sleep soon!
ReplyDeleteWe can all completely understand! I hope you find some extra time to take for yourself (or to lay down for 5 minutes)!
ReplyDeleteGirl I've been there. A was a terrible sleeper as well so I feel your pain about the 45 minure increments. It's freaking draining! They are #1, and so is your sanity. Make sure you take care of you when you can (easier said than done, I know).
ReplyDeleteGirl I've been there. A was a terrible sleeper as well so I feel your pain about the 45 minure increments. It's freaking draining! They are #1, and so is your sanity. Make sure you take care of you when you can (easier said than done, I know).
ReplyDeleteDo what you gotta do, girl! You never get those newborn smells back, either. Soak them up.
ReplyDeleteWhen you can pay more attention to your child and so sometimes you have almost no time for blogging.
ReplyDeleteAgain. I dropped down to MWF, but I need to reduce the posts even more to just twice a week - Monday and Thursday.
ReplyDeletePrioritize your family first and get enough sleep to prioritize your health also.
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