An Uncomplicated Life Blog: Mommy Monday: Who's Your Mama?!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Mommy Monday: Who's Your Mama?!

We dug out the baby pics this weekend! As Henry gets bigger and bigger, it's fun to compare the images. One thing is for sure: Henry is his daddy's son!

Me at about one year old. Hey 80's!
This kid definitely inherited my chubby cheeks. We're talking cheeks for DAYS. We also have the same eye, mouth and lip shape. He got my blonde hair and wacky hairline.  Oddly enough, my husband was blonde until he was about eight, so we'll see if Henry keeps it real, like moi or if he ditches the lighter side of life to darken into brown hair. (Do we call men brunettes?)

Henry, just shy of six months old

Baby Henry, I mean Kirk. This is my husband as a baby. AKA Henry.

Outside of these things, Henry is all my husband! All of it. Same facial expressions. Same skin tone. Same mannerisms. Basically, we have a mini-Kirk. A few people are kind enough to tell me that Henry is starting to look more like me (he was a carbon-copy of Kirk at birth) but really, let's get serious: I carried this kiddo for nine months, labored for 24 hours and endured a emergency c-section... And he has little of my gene pool. After all that work... Maybe the next baby will get more of me?!

It's fun to watch Henry change and grow, and compare pictures to when we were babies! I can't wait to see who's personality Lil' H takes after more. It's also going to be a blast to add to our little family, and note the differences between siblings and ourselves, too!

Ahhhhh, eventually. Eventually. Everyone calm down, we're not up to that challenge yet.


  1. Oh my gosh. He is absolutely Kirk's mini-me. I definitely see he got your cheeks, though.
    Regardless, you two made one "helluva" cute baby!

    1. Thanks! I think so too :) Although, one day, I want ONE of our kiddos to look like me!

  2. He is such a happy baby- so sweet!! He's a great combination of the both of you!!

    1. He IS a happy boy! Until he's hungry. Then he's no smiles, all business.

  3. Henry is such a cutie!! And that facial expression on your hub's face in his baby picture is hilarious! I too have a wacky hairline. Thanks for sharing because I definitely always feel like I'm the only one! cheers to weird hairlines and cute babies! x

    1. Oh, my hairline is completely nuts (as you can see in the top pic)! Everyone who's ever styled my hair has commented on it. Oh well, what can we do, right?! :)

  4. This is a parenting 'highlight' that I'm really looking forward to in the future. I can't wait to compare all of the baby photos. Either way though, little Henry is absolutely adorable. It's so funny how even when they're babies, they still pick up facial expressions and mannerisms. It totally cracks me up.

    1. It's one of the highlights of parenting, for sure! And Henry does NOT lack for personality. Little baby personalities are just the best!

  5. Baby photos are the best! And could Henry be any cuter?!? I can definitely see your cheeks in him - adorable!

    1. Thank you! And yeah - this kid took the cheeks gene and RAN with it!

  6. look how cute you were!! but yeah seriously Henry and your hubby, dead ringers!

    1. Right?! There were tons of pics where they were twins, it was hard to pic which ones to include.

  7. Oh he totally looks just like your hubby! My sister's baby is identical to what she looked like as a kid. I love it! It's so fun to compare the pictures.

    1. Man, I hope I get a mini-me (boy or girl) at some point! Until then, it's fun to watch my two boys act alike :)

  8. Replies
    1. Isn't he massive?! Your sweetie pie is getting huge too! Why can't they just stay little?

  9. Wow, they could really be twins! Adorable :)

  10. That is so fun to compare like that!!! I hope when Mark and I have a kid they kind some of my traits.....I don't want people to think I'm the nanny all the time or something ;-) Just kidding......but not really

    1. Girl I would love to tell you that your kiddos will have some of your traits... But Mark's genes are all dominant, and you're over there with some blonde hair and blue eyes. Godspeed to your recessive genes! Haha

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