An Uncomplicated Life Blog: Little Mover Henry

Monday, November 9, 2015

Little Mover Henry

It's been ages since I've written one of my traditional "Mommy Monday" type posts. Henry is in a REALLY fun age where he's moving and wiggling and squealing all over the place! He's going to be a big brother soon. So this post is all about my big, crazy, active, soon-to-be big brother Henry.

#SetBabyFree with Huggies Little Movers Diapers!

Oh my sweet boy! How grown up you've become. You started walking at 15 months, and started running a month later. You haven't slowed down since! You love being pants-less. You love being naked even more!

You're adventurous yet cautious. You love to explore the great outdoors and dig your hands in the dirt. You're fascinated by leaves. You love going shopping with mama. I love that I can let you walk freely around the store because you won't run off to a place where I'm not in sight. You want to move and explore, but you make sure to look back over your shoulder to know that mommy is near.

Moment of calm before you're off to get that green ball!

You eat everything we eat. Your favorite is when daddy makes pancakes on the weekends and you get to eat sugary syrup! You think spoons and forks are interesting, but eating with your hands is far more efficient. You hated everything about sippy cups, but that's ok because you already know how to drink out of a normal glass like a big boy.

Your favorite activity is playing with Otis! He's your best friend. I'm not sure if you're HIS best friend, but he tolerates your hugs, kisses, chases and tail pulls. Throwing the ball to Baxter is your second favorite thing to do. You two love to go and explore the yard together! Well, Baxter mostly is interested in following that ball around, but he's close by your side to make sure you're ok.

Photo: Adrianne Mathiowetz Photography (c)

You rarely sit still! One minute you're playing with a race car set; the next you're climbing up on the child's table in your playroom. You love pulling every single book off the shelf and reading three pages of it before you move on to the next book. Soon, you'll be sharing this playroom with your little brother! Which is ok, because you're really good at sharing. You offer me a bite of whatever I've made you for lunch, and you bring me all your toys to play with too. You smile and look pleased when you're able to share what you have with others. I love this about you.

You're active and crazy and a mover and a shaker! You dance to whatever music comes on. You wiggle and squirm with the best of them! So much so that I'm glad we found Huggies Little Movers Diapers. They have amazing grip, fit and wetness protection - we haven't had an accident in ages!

Check out how these diapers grip, fit and move with your little one!

By the way, If you want a chance of having your little mover featured on the Huggies website, tweet or Instagram a pic of them and use the hashtag #SetBabyFree! Huggies will be selecting photos to feature and show everyone what awesome little movers we have.

You are a sweet and kind soul. You love to hug people and blow kisses. You're active, and anything that involves a ball is THE MOST FUN thing. You're crazy and wiggly. You walk like a pro and are learning to jump too! I can't wait to watch you become a big brother. You have learned so much, and have so much to teach your soon-to-be little brother Otto.


  1. Awww I love this post, All About Henry! He sounds like such a sweet, and fun little guy! Loved the photos of him too!

  2. Ah. I loved reading this little update. Henry is going to be the best big brother! He is such a doll. I love that you included his tendency to share, too. I thought that was SO sweet when I visited.

  3. This was such a sweet post! You are such a fab mommy. Nothing is a negative all those high spirited boy activites you make a positive spin on. I'm glad that he is good at sharing his food because we all know that little kiddo snacks are the best! Can't wait for him to be a big brother soon!

  4. I love reading updates like this - so sweet. And that photo of you soon and the dog is adorable. Even if he is clearly watching the ball as well haha

  5. So sweet!!! Love how much energy he has (well you probably could deal with a little less energy haha) but he's just loving exploring all life has for him! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. awww what a sweet post! i laughed at 'pants-less' lol. i can't wait to see how he is as a big brother :)

  7. Such a sweet post. Henry is going to be a great big brother. If he's anything like A, he'll want the baby to come out ready to play right away.

  8. Aww :) This is such a sweet post :) We loved the little movers when we found them also. They were the only thing that kept on my kids once they got active

  9. So sweet! How far apart will yours be? You look AMAZING...referencing pics from yesterday!

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