I was going to scratch this entire post because I feared it was way too snarky, but my girl Jaelan read a draft and told me it was hilarious. Alas, it's published! Dear bloggers, please chime in and help me understand some of the quirky things about you that I just don't get. Such as:
I don't understand why bloggers put "free printables" on their site. In fact, I don't understand printables at all. Unless you're a home school blog, and you're putting your curriculum out there, I get that. But why do I want to take your file and print it? Especially for things like cards. I don't keep card stock on file. I don't even know if our home printer would print on card stock! Heck, I don't even know if our printer currently has toner in it, because everything is done electronically these days... Can someone explain the value of a printable to me? Real question.
I don't understand the free advertising bloggers give Starbucks
I don't understand why bloggers use the word "obsessed" excessively. Nine times out of ten, when a blogger is doing a product review, especially one they were given free product for, they're "so obsessed!" with it. Do you know what the definition of obsession is? It's a mental disorder. Basically, you're telling everyone you're mentally deranged over a lipstick. And a shirt. And probably also over a pair of wedges. All in the same week. I'd be pretty scared to meet you in person if you're one of the bloggers who uses the word "obsess"! Like, maybe you'd become "obsessed" with me and kill me - it's hard to tell... I mean, you're confessing your mental disorder so who can be sure?!
I don't understand bloggers deep love affair with Target. It's true, they have some nice things there. But I find most of it is really over priced! Some of the clothes (which fit poorly and fall apart after a few washes) are near J Crew prices, I can find better quality shoes for cheaper at DSW or the sale rack at Nordstrom, and Walmart beats the heck out of their prices for things like laundry detergent
Bloggers are a funny people. They band together and do/say some things that I just don't understand! At the end of the day, I supposed I'm one of them. And I'm sure someone could write an equally snarky post about the things I'm into ;)
Bloggers totally are weird people!
ReplyDeleteAnd LOL about "obsessed". Beauty bloggers are the worst about that.
I agree with all of your points!!! Especially the printables. The only occasion I can see readers printing them is if they're planning an event of some sort. Great post!
ReplyDeletebahaha this is fabulous. i guess what you said about starbucks could be applied to everything that people instagram about though. i don't drink coffee at all, but i lobe starbucks whipped cream so i will basically drink anything if it has that on it! but i try and stay away. i also agree with you about target.. i have found some cute things for sure, but most of their stuff is not worth the price so i wait for a sale. i can walk into target and walk back out with exactly what i went in there for, which apparently is a hard thing to do lol. i don't understand the printable thing at all.
ReplyDeletethis is AWESOME hahha. i even do some of them and i think its mostly because of influence at times but yes i def have a love hate relationship with target but their dollar section is the best for little things! i so dont get the printable thing either!
ReplyDeleteHa I totally agree about Target! It's... fine? I don't love it like some people do. Starbucks on the other hand... OBSESSED. ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is too funny! OK, and you completely got me on several counts! I am "obsessed" about printables ;) No, but really! I am one of those dinosaurs who still loves to print out stuff. And I do give away free printables on my blog as my lead magnets. And totally guilty on being obsessed with Target! I wish they would pay me for it! I am just love their home decor lines. Not always so sold on all of their apparel (most of the time I would rather buy an investment piece;) but some of the stuff is just so affordable and cute, I give it a shot. I do love their workout stuff by C9. And I hear ya on the Starbucks. I am not a coffee drinker but my husband hates Starbucks, he even says that Dunkin Donuts is better!
I never have ink in my printer. I must admit I am one of those Starbucks drinking, Target lovers haha. But I also find shirts for under $3 there!
ReplyDeleteHahahah I totally LOLed at this. I am not fashion blogger but my sister (blogging partner) always tells me how I use the word obsess too much. We are equally both 'obsessed' with Target though. There dollar section is always on point!
ReplyDeleteI'm right there with you on most of these! I do love Starbucks specialty drinks, but I'm not about to spend $5/day on coffee, so I'll just keep making it at home. I love Target too, but I'm super picky about what I'll buy there, because so many things are overpriced! I'll never buy grocery items there, or clothes. And yes, why do bloggers constantly say they're "obsessed" with everything??
ReplyDeleteObsessed tells me nothing about the product. Does it flake, or last a long time, what about the pigment quality, does the seams line up, are they comfortable, what is the flavor palette about, how can I use it in my daily life. Those are all good starting points. Telling me you are obsessed over something is not informative in the least bit. Can you tell you struck a nerve hahahaha. Yes girl, I make my coffee every morning. Don't need to be spending 4-5 dollars a day on coffee, I have a portfolio to fund ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh I love printables - I'm a paper organizer junkie and love them all. Of course, I am also a homeschooler, so maybe that is why I like them so much :-) I am also a Target lover. I think because they carry the baby products I want when I forget to order them online - I also like the dollar spot stuff, although a lot less since they changed to "Bullseye's playground" and everything seems to be in the $3-$5 range. I actually go for peace and quiet, no music, and I typically go when there is no one in the store, just to walk around, drink my overpriced Starbucks, and wander aimlessly :-)
ReplyDeleteLol this is awesome. I don't really dig Target for their clothes but I do enjoy walking around and their home decor. It's faux pax to like Walmart in this area; all of them here are pretty trashy. Starbucks isn't my favorite coffee either (Stumptown is where it's at...but they probably don't have it down there) but my love for them will always run deep for obvious reasons.
ReplyDeleteObsessed... I don't get it either.
Lol the obsessed thing really bothers me too. Every time I go to use it I have to stop and think, "do I sound stupid right now?" Lol. I follow someone on Instagram who make like huge money via likeit whatever, and she's "obsessed" with everything and it drives me nuts. There's no way you are obsessed with every outfit you wear. Come on.
ReplyDeleteI use the word obsessed when I write, but barely when I speak...just somehow reiterates my need for it or how much I love it...is it weird that none of the things you mentioned bother me?!
ReplyDeleteI laughed out loud at this post! It's awesome. I don't get the "obsessed" word either. I will post a dunkin or starbucks picture but usually its because I'm talking about how I desperately need coffee not because I'm excited for a PSL! :)
ReplyDeleteMinus the whole "printables"(and it's for homeschooling, so you already kind of excused it!:p), I so feel you on this. I like starbucks once every few months, I'm obsessed with my kids(and I accept the mentally deranged part of that), and Target is just a place I go when I want that starbucks ;).
ReplyDeleteHa! Okay, yes I am a fan of printables. I'm old fashioned in some ways and for certain things I do like to print it out, like for organizational stuff especially. I offer printable checklists on my blog - I figure you can still download the file and use it on the computer if you want! I'm not a fan of Starbucks but if there's something I really love I will give them a little bit of free advertising ;) And I think I've been fairly good about using the word obsessed too much but I know what you mean!
ReplyDeleteI'm "obsessed" with printables, but then again I have a physical paper planner as well. Anything crafty or organization related, count me in. My local Target is just a better shopping experience than my local Walmart. Every time I go into Walmart there are 100 people in line and only two registers open. Plus Target has a really get savings app I use all the time. Funny post though.
ReplyDeleteTO explain the printable thing, I just can not get organized using my phone. I need a physical list, calendar, whatever to keep my and my family organized. Plus our daughter is 11, and she can't use an electronic calendar. She needs a physical calendar to see what's for dinner, her dad's work schedule. Printables are lifesavers for my family.
ReplyDeleteBahahahaaa. Loved this! I'm not really sure if I've every used obsessed in a blog post. That makes me want to go back and look. I don't really do print outs. Knowing me if I did they would just get trashed our something else. I do love Target but I do agree that some of their stuff is completely over priced.
ReplyDeleteHa! Too funny. I've never printed a "free printable" and don't really see the appeal. I do love Target simply for the clearance, but not clothing. It's not good...except the workout stuff.
ReplyDeleteThe reason why I love Target? The DOLLAR SECTION! Seriously, that little place has so many cute things that are perfect for stock photos! Also, they carry some beauty brands that I can't get anywhere else, so there's that. I don't buy my food there; to expensive and very limited in options!
ReplyDeletexo, Chelsie @ Hey There, Chelsie
I'm obsessed with this post! ;-)
ReplyDeleteThis, all of this! I don't really get the Target thing. I mean, Target is ok, but I really think it's just a more expensive Walmart. Not so much a fan of Starbucks, either.... Their coffee just isn't that great. I do love learning printables for kids, but other than that I don't really see the appeal of printables either.
I'm shocked these are things you don't understand lol and some of these I don't even see in the blogging world. I'm with you on the printables, though - never understood the rave. I think people in general go crazy about Starbucks and Target, not just bloggers. Hey, if they truly enjoy it then they shouldn't have to be paid to post. And the reasons why I love Target are seriously endless. I don't think they're that expensive at all, but that's because I always score well with clearance. All of my clothes hold up well form there - but I do also fit into the junior sizes since I'm so petite.
ReplyDeleteHaha this is all so true! Especially the starbucks thing! Totally funny, but I am totally guilty of it ;)
ReplyDeleteMolly | www.stylemissmolly.com
Hahahahahaha! I am laughing so hard I am crying- I am OBSESSED with this. Hahahaha. Pretty sure my other blog half uses that- but not on any product review. Just the stuff she loves. I am going to have to share this with her. SO funny. Hell yes to the Target thing! I am right there with you. It's a great store for some things. Not for others. Oh and the Starbucks. You have pretty much nailed it all. SO glad you posted. Although I LOVE printables. I don't really have any on my site but I am all about the print it out for cards, switching them out of frames for holidays, etc. seriously they are my jam and I want all the (creative) bloggers to keep it up. The ones who look like my toddler just played around with pic monkey- maybe not.
ReplyDeleteHa! Yeah, but I think some of this could just be "things I don't understand about people" lol
ReplyDeleteI kind of agree about Starbucks... I mean yeah, they give a TON of publicity (hey I'm guilty of it myself-mostly with giveaways, but people like it and it keeps them coming and entering so...) but their coffee isn't the best. I mean it's okay, I like it sometimes, but I'd prefer my local coffee shot. Also they're SO expensive. If I want coffee and food I head over to Dunkies because Starbucks is three times the price lol.
Target... I do, I love it. I'll admit it. I could spend a good chunk of money there... But it's not usually the clothes because I'm plus sized and shop at Torrid instead. I'm also a Target Affiliate so that helps haha, though I don't use it much. I just HATE Wal Mart. So I'll spend the extra on the detergent to avoid the hell that is Hellmart. hahaha
I dont understand alot of ish that people blog about. I just try to remind myself that I am not them and to not concern myself with that crap. And just because you've had a blog doesn't make you the master of all! Just saying. Not you, then. ;-)
Them* not then
DeleteI'm obsessed with you.
ReplyDeleteBut actually, I am. Also, I agree with you on Target. I always go back and try it, because it's in walking distance of my house (about a mile), but the clothes are always overpriced. I rather go to TJ, my mothership.
ReplyDeleteWord! Omg what is the obsession with printables!! It has gotten so widespread that I'm adding printable content upgrades because when in Rome...
ReplyDeleteWord! Omg what is the obsession with printables!! It has gotten so widespread that I'm adding printable content upgrades because when in Rome...
ReplyDeleteI am right there with you on all of these. I do drink Starbucks occasionally, and will sometimes instagram it, but not often. It's not my favorite (I'm from New England, we run on Dunkin' 😎) But the obsession thing is so weird. I'm not obsessed with anything, except maybe my cat. And even that is iffy. Target is a nightmare, and you're right, waaaay overpriced. I do understand the printables though because that's usually how they get their email subscribers.
ReplyDeleteLaughed hard! But I have to admit, I agree with them all! I may be guilty of a few too! 😂😂
I really don't understand why people advertise Starbucks so much. I don't know how someone can afford starbucks more than once a day! That shit gets pricey.
ReplyDeleteI also buy some house essentials between Walmart & Target. It depends on what they have on sale.
I might genuinely have lost my mind over the latest Starbucks drink but I blame it on not being able to drink alcohol in 35 weeks and 4 days. I'm not in my right mind. I was taking all of these things in stride, thinking they were pretty funny, until you brought Target into it. Over. The. Line. ;)
ReplyDeleteLol I'm so obsessed with this post! And bloggers, too! Not only are bloggers into Target and Starbucks, but don't forget top knots, slogan tees, and taking pictures in front of their garages with all their kids! Us bloggers are a funny lot but we like it that way!
ReplyDeleteLOL!!! So true! All of it! The only printable I ever printed was a Chanel logo to use for a vase DIY. hee-hee. I am with you on Target too! WAY too overpriced, unless you find a great after-holiday or coupon sale, I'll pass. TJMaxx is better for fashion items.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
For me, printables are great because I can print out coloring sheets to keep my daughters entertained if we're stuck inside on a rainy day, and happen to be all out of coloring books (because strangely enough, I can never find any even though I regularly buy them)!
ReplyDeleteI love Target, simply for the awesome coupon deals they have sometimes! (I am NOT obsessed with Starbucks!)
I find it fascinating, myself, to see just how much diversity is out there in the blogging community :)
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ReplyDeleteI'm a blogger, right? I've been taking up this little corner of the internet for nearly two years now. I have blogging friends, some of whom I've met in person. So I think I'm fairly submerged in this culture. But there are some things I just don't understand about bloggers and/or blogging! For real. This is kinda a confessional post - things I don't understand about bloggers. cricut logo printing on clothes