An Uncomplicated Life Blog: How To Deal With Negative Blog And Social Media Comments

Thursday, June 7, 2018

How To Deal With Negative Blog And Social Media Comments

After blogging for over 4 years, I've developed thick skin and excellent strategies to dealing with the negative blog and social media comments keyboard warriors leave

I hadn't even been blogging for 6 months when I got my first extremely negative, judgmental comment. It was on my blog, and a commenter was critiquing my own personal feelings on my own son's medical diagnosis. That right there is enough to tell you that commenter is not a well-adjusted human, but I remember being SO shocked and SO hurt by what they said. I deleted the comment and texted my sister about it. "Congratulations!" She said. "When you get negative comments, it means you're getting big. People who don't support you are even reading your stuff, and that's great!" I thought about what she said for a second, and it's true. The good news is that when you get negative comments, it means more people are reading your blog than just your friends, family and supporters. It means you've gained social media followers who might not like you all the time, and are still willing to take time out of their day to let you know (and in the process, drive up your engagement numbers). But it can be really hard to stomach! Here are the best methods I've developed over the years for dealing with negative blog and social media comments.

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1) Do not delete the comment
That miserable commenter I mentioned in the intro? Yeah, s/he trolled my site. When s/he saw I deleted the comment, s/he came back with an even nastier comment, attacking my feelings about my own child AND my ability to run a website! Don't delete the comment. It will only escalate the situation, and odds are high the negative commenter is looking for an (online) fight. The best way to "fight back" is to leave their comment up so that all can see what a nasty person they are, and to NOT respond. Respond to everyone else but the negative commenter. It will drive them NUTS! This way you're not engaging them or giving them what they want (a fight or a debate) and there's really no way for the situation to escalate. Just let it be.

There's two caveats I have to this rule: 
First, if someone used language you can't have on your public social channels - racial slurs, four letter words, whatever your tolerance is for appropriate, if a commenter violated it, I'd delete the comment and ban the person from having access to your page (this is super easy to do on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) and depending on who hosts your blog and how they commented, somewhat easy to do on your blog. In my experience, these jerks always comment as "anonymous" which makes it nearly impossible to block. You can, however, not allow comments from anonymous/unknown commenters if you start to get a lot of nasty comments on a particular post. 
Second, I reply to negative comments when I can tell the commenter has merely misunderstood me. Be extremely nice and humble about it, and the miscommunication gets cleared up almost immediately, and nearly every time, the commenter apologizes for their harsh words when they simply didn't understand you or your intentions.

2) Know that the negative comment is NOT ABOUT YOU
Let's take a brief moment and examine what I do when I read something I don't like on the internet. I consider myself a fairly well adjusted, mentally healthy woman. I read plenty of stupid crap on the internet, plenty of offensive content and plenty of articles/blog posts that are outright WRONG. I roll my eyes. I snort laugh. I might even send a link or a screenshot to my friends and have a good laugh at someone's expense. But in the end, I SCROLL ON. I scroll on being leaving a negative comment accomplishes nothing, and I'm smart enough to know that. Their words don't effect or change my life in any way, so I just get to scrolling and move along.

When you get a negative comment, it's not about you or your words. Well adjusted people keep it moving. Instead, it's about the COMMENTER. Your words triggered something in them that made them lash out at you. It's about their inner demons, their unresolved issues, their insecurities. This is why you shouldn't reply to the negative commenter - you're going to get nowhere. You can't argue with someone about their past that you know nothing about. You can't argue their hurt feelings, or their trauma. This is why you leave those comments up and don't reply, and also don't take it personally. It's about them, not you.

Prime example:

This person called me out as a "whiner" when clearly THEY just wanted a space to whine. Under the guise of anonymous, of course.
3) Know when to pull the plug
Sometimes, it's best to just take the whole post down. This is extremely true for social media, less true for blog posts - although if you're getting really uncomfortable with people's responses, feel free to do it. I've only removed one blog post ever, because there were about 10 people trolling it with not just negative comments, HATEFUL comments. As in, not just name calling, but wishing death on me. Yeeeeeah. They completely took over the comment section of my post! They even started one off conversations with each other about me and the content of my blog. First I started with turning off the comments for that post, then learned via Google Analytics that they were sharing it to various social channels and ridiculing it/me. That's when I decided, you know what, it's just not worth it! I took it down and literally haven't heard from any of those jerks since.

A somewhat similar thing happened recently with a post on my Facebook page. Granted, it was a tad too snarky of a post. Everyone who is a personal friend of mine and commented understood my sense of humor. Others who only know me as an acquaintance or simply follow my page/blog and don't know me personally didn't get it AT ALL and thought I was trying to mom shame. I explained myself in the comments to a few commenters, who then all got it, but an acquaintance tagged my PERSONAL Facebook page in her comment (I'm really protective of my personal account and keep the two very separate - not sharing one's content to another, and locking down my privacy settings on my personal account). Some of the haters started to send me personal messages about how I'm a bad, hateful mom. That crossed a major boundary for me. Comment on my public page, message my public page, call me names publicly... Ok, fine. But nobody gets to creep on my personal account and call me names, judge my parenting there, etc. So that post came down, too, because I was not ok with what was happening over on my personal page due to that tag. On the upside, a whole bunch of people got banned from my public page, which is a bizarrely satisfying thing to do! Don't be afraid to ban/block people, on any of your channels.

Bloggin' aint easy! Of course it looks like a fun, glamorous job with tons of perks. We get free stuff! We get paid to write and take photos! We get commissions from people who buy via our links, and advertising money, and get paid to play on social media! Yes, all of that is true. But you've also got to have thick skin. The bigger you get, the more people you'll reach who are NOT your fan, who don't like what you have to say, and who will let you know all that via the safety of their screen and keyboard. It's hard to stomach negative comments, but if you use these tips to deal with them, you'll successfully navigate the negativity and come out the other side a stronger person - and better blogger. 


  1. You know I am in the same boat and have the same feelings as you on this topic. You develop a thick skin and realize you cannot, nor do you need to, please everyone.

    1. powerful herbal healer called Dr. voodoo who use his natural herbs to cure
      my HIV disease I suffered from 5years, but now I am a happy woman and i am
      free from this disease that has been problem to my living, after using Dr.
      voodoo herbal medicine within 1week i was diagnose negative, I will
      recommend Dr. voodoo to everyone reading this article because this herbal
      healer is capable to heal anything below.

      1. Diabetes
      2. HERPES 1/2
      3. CANCER
      4. Lymphoma disease
      5. Conceived a child
      6. Fibroid

      Email Dr voodoo at: add Dr. voodoo on
      whatsApp: +2348140120719

    2. I want to inform the public how i was cured of herpes  Virus by a Doctor
      called Dr ishiaku. i visited different hospital but they gave me list of
      drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat
      the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet
      searching for remedy on Herpes and i saw comment of people talking about how Doctor ishiaku cured them. I Was scared because i never believed in the
      Internet but i was convince to give him a try because i was having no hope
      of been cured of herpes so i decided to contact him on his email, i searched
      his email on net and i saw a lot of people testifying about his goodness.
      when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that
      i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without
      problem, my HERPES result came out negative. You can contact him on his
      Email: or whatsapp him via +2348180828544
       and get all your problem solved.
      1)Sickness of any kind
      2)Help to CURE Hepatitis B, herpes, HIV/AIDS CANCER and BIPOLAR
      3)Divorce, Breakup problem and To Re-unit
      4)Pregnancy problem
      5)Financial problem and Job promotion
      6)To get a good and rich life partner
      7)To Lose your wrath
      8)to enlargement of penis

    3. TESTMONY! TESTMONY!!  DR HARRY HERBAL MIXTURE website   WHATSAPP +2349036417079 email drharrysolution@gmail.comHello everyone i have been worried for so many years now because i was trying to figure out how to cure my (erectile dysfunction) and enlarge my SMALL penis but could not find a way out of it ,,my wife has told me if i do not get a cure on time that she will leave me and i love her and my marriage so much .i have used VACCINES,DRUGS,INJECTION AND even did Surgeries just to be happy but none really rendered me the help i needed and i almost gave up when i Used a herbal medicine from a fake bullshit doctor from Malawi. I almost lost my life during that period so i gave up and accepted my fate because my wife already requested for a divorce papers ,,but on one faithful morning i was reading through a comment on Facebook of one MR henry joseph from Germany of how DR HARRY HERBAL CREAM and LIQUID enlarge his penis and cure his younger Brother of STROKE DISEASE within the space of 3 weeks wow i was surprised to see it so i quickly Contacted him via website  and behold i saw lots of solution to my problems there so i emailed him and he got back to me and gave me some comfortable words ,and the next day he told me what needed to be done and i did it so he sent me his MIRACULOUS HERBAL CREAM AND LIQUID through UPS delivery service and i got it 4 days after ..i then followed his prescriptions on how to use it and OH MY GOD it is just two weeks of using his herbal cream i now have 10 inches when erected and 8 inches when flaccid my wife love it so much now after i had sex with her with my MONSTER PENIS ..and also apologize for asking for a divorce .i am so happy i now feel like a real man ,,thank you so much for taken away this shame from me DR HARRY so if you need any kind of cure contact him on website  or   whatsapp  him  on  +2349036417079 THANKS 

    4. hello everyone i am SOUTHGATE MORRISON from Manchester UK  i want to tell the whole world of great  dr HARRY herbal mixture i was unhappy ever since my girlfriend back then in college mocked me of having a small penis and weak in bed ,ever since then i have been trying to improve my sex life but all effort failed ..but it gut worse when i got married ,my wife is so angry with me and Threatened to leave me if i do not find a way and i love my wife so much so one faithful day i was reading some comments on a blog then i saw a comment of one MR GERARD PETE FROM new Orleans testifying of how dr HARRY  helped him enlarge his penis and Fertilise his sperm count so i quickly contacted him by his website link   and he got back to me and i did as he said my greatest surprise i got 10 inches within two weeks of using his herbal medicine and now its just 3 weeks i am having 10.5 inches i am so happy wife told me am so good in bed that i almost killed her last night all thanks to him note he also cure sicknesses and diseases like PENIS ENLARGEMENTERECTILE DYSFUNCTIONDIABETES type 1 and type 2HERPES GENITAL WARTLOW SPERM COUNTWEAK ERECTIONBREAST ENLARGEMENTPROSTRATE CANCERHIV/AIDSPREMATURE EJACULATION 
      so if you need his help contact him on his email  visit his site    or whatsapp him on +2349036417079   thanks 

    5. Yes I have worked with Doctor Austin . He is the reason am called a man because I was having a small penis which can not even satisfy a woman an sorry to say this but I will always be grateful to Doctor Austin because his product work perfectly for me and without any side effect well all I can tell you as a friend is to trust and believe in him. Am sorry to say that Doctor Austin is like a living God. He is too kind and he is a man of his can contact him for assistance and directions via his email : doctoraustin3 @ gmail. com Via WhatsApp +2347049682791

    6. All thanks to Dr Olu for helping me to get my penis longer or bigger with his cream, in just 7days, his cream is very active and also it work fast, so if you want to get the cream,and he also have solution for the following ,EX BACK, HERPES VIRUS AND HPV Contact him on his email or WhatsApp him on +2348140654426
      THANK YOU.

      All thanks to Dr Olu for helping me to get my penis longer or bigger with his cream, in just 7days, his cream is very active and also it work fast, so if you want to get the cream,and he also have solution for the following ,EX BACK, HERPES VIRUS AND HPV Contact him on his email or WhatsApp him on +2348140654426
      THANK YOU.

  2. OMG death threats?! What was the post? I couldn’t agree more with this- I wrote similar post after a post went viral on Huffington and sooooo many nasty trolls came out saying seriously horrific things. Since there were so many of them, I had the opportunity to learn and came to these conclusions. Once you can understand that it’s actually a reflection of the commentor, it makes it a lot easier to separate emotions from the negativity. Blog on, my friend!


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  3. It can be such a jarring experience getting your first mean comment! I couldn't believe it when I got mine, but you definitely do begin to realize just how little their opinions matter!

    1. Greetings to everyone reading this testimony, I am Dan Morgan, i am here to
      testify of a great man who was able to cure me permanently from herpes
      Disease just with his herbal medicine,i have been herpes Positive for 5
      years before i came across Dr voodoo Email on the internet on how he has
      been using his herbal medicine to treat and cure patients from different
      virus, so i contacted him and i explain to him concerning my problem, i
      followed up with the instructions he gave me and he urge me to have faith
      in his words that he was going to restore my health back, after some couple
      of days Dr voodoo sent me some medicine which he gave me prescription on
      how to take for 2 weeks, to make the long story short, I have been
      confirmed Negative from my recent test in the hospital, just within 2 weeks
      Dr voodoo was able to make me healthy and see reasons to live again, though
      science says there is no cure, i believe God has sent this great man to
      save people, you can all contact him for his medicine, he has presently
      been treating diseases like,CANCER,BLOOD DISEASE,DIABETES,HIV,TYPHOID, and
      many others, you can contact this man on
      add him on whatsApp +2348140120719, God
      Bless you sir!

  4. This makes me so sad because a friend of mine started a baking and beauty blog and quit very shortly after because people were being awful and commenting rude things which discouraged her and so she quit. I wish that didn't happen, no need to be judgmental.

  5. I can’t believe you were getting death threats, whoa! That’s a bit too intense. But I agree with everything you said. It’s usually easier to ignore them.

  6. This is a great post and very timely for me. Thank you!

  7. I hate you had to go through so many harsh comments, it's such a shame there are people out there like that.

  8. SO crazy!! I have no idea why people are like this!

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  10. I think number 2 is so important and if you remember nothing else it should be this, whatever the situation.

  11. Thanks for sharing this helpful post. So sad that there are people out there being so hateful. I'm new to the world of blogging & social media exposure. Prior to this, all my social media activities were pretty private so I'm bracing myself :).

  12. People are so brave behind the screen. I remember that first comment you mentioned about H's medical diagnosis. I've gotten some negative comments too and I think the way you handle them is PERFECT.


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  18. OMG i am here to tell you all how i was cured from Hepatitis B by
    dr Adigba with his herbal medicine i once had the problem of
    Hepatitis B which affected my work for years i have been using
    different medication but there was no solution,i search the net and
    i found the contact of Dr Adigba who help me with his product on
    curing Hepatitis B problem and other deadly diseases, he also
    assured me that it is a permanent cure,so i work with him
    as he ask
    and i took the medication for just 1 weeks and i was back
    to normal.
    for two weeks now i have been doing fine.I give all thanks
    to Dr
    Adigba for helping me out of such problem now am the
    person on earth for seeing myself doing better
    can also
    contact him on email drAdigba@gmail. com whatsapp him
    on +2348077875210
    dr adigba cure the flowing virus
    1 cancer cure
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    8 pregnancy herbal medicine
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    10 Hepatitis B and many more

  19. OMG i am here to tell you all how i was cured from Hepatitis B by
    dr Adigba with his herbal medicine i once had the problem of
    Hepatitis B which affected my work for years i have been using
    different medication but there was no solution,i search the net and
    i found the contact of Dr Adigba who help me with his product on
    curing Hepatitis B problem and other deadly diseases, he also
    assured me that it is a permanent cure,so i work with him
    as he ask
    and i took the medication for just 1 weeks and i was back
    to normal.
    for two weeks now i have been doing fine.I give all thanks
    to Dr
    Adigba for helping me out of such problem now am the
    person on earth for seeing myself doing better
    can also
    contact him on email drAdigba@gmail. com whatsapp him
    on +2348077875210
    dr adigba cure the flowing virus
    1 cancer cure
    2 diabetes cureringing ear
    3 ringing earwarts cure
    4 herpes cure
    5 warts cure
    6 HPV cure
    7 Jaundice
    8 pregnancy herbal medicine
    9 prostate enlargement
    10 Hepatitis B and many more

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    Mary Jane I actually was told otherwise, that the herpes can not be treated and that there is no way to make it go away once you have it. But I decided to do my own research and found out it is possible to fight it.. I got a lot of information about it here in forums and online,I got Dr Amiso contact on a group were a man from Cordova was sharing his testimony of how he cured him of herpes so I decided to give him a try I emailed him through . he called me to know if I actually wanted the cured after which the cure was sent to me few days later I was surprised when the same medical doctor who told me that I was diagnosed of herpes told me that I was completely free from herpes, if you are diagnosed and also wanna be free from this deadly virus because he is really gonna be of help to you, ,He also have herbs medicine to cure the following diseases;
    HERPES.and get ex back quickly,
    SYPHILIS. kindly reach him through his email .



    I still don't know the right words to express my gratitude to this great man DR yuwa for bringing my husband back to life.
    My husband was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) when he was 63 years old 4 years ago. The Rilutek (riluzole) did very little to help him. The medical team did even less. His decline was rapid and devastating. His arms weakened first, then his hands and legs. Last year, a family friend told us about Dr yuwa herbal cure ALS TREATMENT, So we thought it wise and ordered his ALS/MND herbal medicine, i am happy to report the treatment effectively treated and reversed his Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS),All the symptoms stopped, he is able to walk and able to ride his treadmill again, I promised dr yuwa if my husband gets cured that I am going to testify to everybody everywhere,He is pretty active now.This miraculous testimony my husband received allow me to introduce Dr yuwa and is herbal medicine to you contact him via email or WhatsApp him +2348107228251,I know you will be the next to testify Dr yuwa also cure deadly disease like DIABETES,HIV-AIDS,HSV1-2,WART,CANCER,STROKE.

  23. Do you know that there is a great herbal doctor who can cure any deadly disease like herpes, hiv/aids, cancer, syphilis, madness, hepatitis b, STD e.t.c. well my main purpose of wACriting this to the whole world is about the great deeds DR ODOMA  did for me. I was diagnosed of a deadly disease called HIV/AIDS since the year 2000, ever since then i have been taking medications on till i met a great herbal doctor. though i never believed in Herb medicine, i saw many testimonies on how he cured so many people and i decided to contact him. so i contacted him through his email, he gave me a form to fill, i filled it and send it back to him and then he told me that he would require some items to prepare a herbal medicine for me. i did'nt know were to find the items, and he told me that the only alternative is to help me get the items and he helped me purchase the items from the items seller. i promised my self to do anything to get cured, so i sent him the money and he prepared a medicine for me and he told me how i will be taking it. he asked me to have faith and believed in him which i did, 7 days latter he asked me to go for a check-up, when i did the check-up i was tested HIV Negative. All thanks to DR ODOMA. if you are passing through suffering and hardship and you need a way out , i advice you kindly contact him via his email on  . you can also WhatsApp +2348100649947
    he is a specialist in all kind of sickness and he can bring your EX back with his great spell.

    EX BACK,
    or whatsapp +2348100649947

  24. There is no other medication that can cure herpes and other STDs, or STIs, permanently, i have come to find out that herbal medication is the only form of medication that has cured herpes successfully, i was once tested positive of herpes but herbal medicine i got from Dr OKITI helped me a lot in getting rid of herpes totally, now i'm totally free from herpes virus permanently. If you also have similar problem why not contact herbal doctor OKITI. You can reach out to doctor OKITI through email DROKITIHERBALHOME100@GMAIL.COM you can also whatsapp/call him on +2347050670365

  25. I want to inform the public how i was cured of herpes  Virus by a Doctor
    called Dr ishiaku. i visited different hospital but they gave me list of
    drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat
    the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet
    searching for remedy on Herpes and i saw comment of people talking about how Doctor ishiaku cured them. I Was scared because i never believed in the
    Internet but i was convince to give him a try because i was having no hope
    of been cured of herpes so i decided to contact him on his email, i searched
    his email on net and i saw a lot of people testifying about his goodness.
    when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that
    i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without
    problem, my HERPES result came out negative. You can contact him on his
    Email: or whatsapp him via +2348180828544
     and get all your problem solved.
    1)Sickness of any kind
    2)Help to CURE Hepatitis B, herpes, HIV/AIDS CANCER and BIPOLAR
    3)Divorce, Breakup problem and To Re-unit
    4)Pregnancy problem
    5)Financial problem and Job promotion
    6)To get a good and rich life partner
    7)To Lose your wrath
    8)to enlargement of penis

  26. I decided to share my testimony with you guys about a spell caster called DR ALUYA , I have been humiliated many times in relationships due to the fact of not being able to satisfy my girlfriend because I had a very small penis. i had so many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online to enlarge it but none could offer me the kind of help i searched for. I was going through some comments on Facebook when I saw a testimony about this specialist called DR ALUYA and how he helped solve the testifies relationship issues regarding to their sex life, so i decided to seek his help too following the email I saw. so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, and I told him my story, DR ALUYA sent me some herbal pills for Penis Enlargement after doing what he ask me, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, and now it just 4 weeks of using his products my penis is about 9 inches longer, a very big thanks to him, I believe their so many people going through the same thing which I went through that why I decided to tell the world how I got help from this great man, ladies i think He can help you enlarge your breast too PENIS ENLARGEMENT
    DIABETES type 1 and type 2
    HPV 123
    HEPATITIS A,B,C AND MANY MORE if you need it because some guys love big breast. email him on or whatsapp him on +2348137317157 thank you Dr ALUYA may God bless you.,

  27. MY BREAKTHROUGH TESTIMONY THAT SAVED MY LIFE AND MARRIAGE Hello everyone i want to testify of how DR HARRY herbal mixture cream enlarged my penis size. i never thought i will be happy again in my life because of my small penis situation,i have struggling with this issue my life time and i could not find a professional result i wanted ,i ave went to hospitals,used vaccines,tried several herbs online ,penis pumps and all but none rendered me the solution i wanted ,i felt like killing when my fiance ASHLEY JOE left me after undressing myself in front of her,my size was too embarrassing and shameful imagine a 36 years old man like me having 2.5inches penis size..the world seem to an end to me when we she left so one faithful day as i was watching a video on you tube i saw on the comments of Ryan Peterson testifying of this great herbal healer DR HARRY helped him enlarge his penis and win lottery lucky number worth $76,000,000 for him .i was shocked and happy so i quickly emailed him on within 30 mins he got back to me and told me all i need to buy and i did so after 4 days i received his herbal medicine ,he gave me instructions on how to use it ,as i am speaking to you people now after using the cream for just two weeks my penis size is 10.5 inches long and 8.0 girth ,,am so happy and grateful for his work in my life thank you so much Dr HARRY ,,i also learnt he has cure for LOW SPERM COUNT,PREMATURE EJACULATION,ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION,HIV/AIDS VIRUS,DIABETES 1/2,HERPES DISEASE,CANCER,and lots more you can email him on website or call/whatsapp him directly on +2349036417079 thanks

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  30. HAVING A Long and Thicker PENIS gives you a 100% guarantee when meeting your girlfriend or wife and as well makes her respect you more as the real man for being able to satisfy her sexual needs. waste no more time, get in contact with Doctor Aziba for his herbal product to help you get the actual size deserved for your woman and make her happy like every other women out there, Doctor Aziba product is 100% Vegans and guarantee with no side effects Contact Doctor Aziba via whatsApp: +2348100368288 or mail him: PRIESTAZIBASOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM

  31. HAVING A Long and Thicker PENIS gives you a 100% guarantee when meeting your girlfriend or wife and as well makes her respect you more as the real man for being able to satisfy her sexual needs. waste no more time, get in contact with Doctor Aziba for his herbal product to help you get the actual size deserved for your woman and make her happy like every other women out there, Doctor Aziba product is 100% Vegans and guarantee with no side effects Contact Doctor Aziba via whatsApp: +2348100368288 or mail him: PRIESTAZIBASOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM

  32. HAVING A Long and Thicker PENIS gives you a 100% guarantee when meeting your girlfriend or wife and as well makes her respect you more as the real man for being able to satisfy her sexual needs. waste no more time, get in contact with Doctor Aziba for his herbal product to help you get the actual size deserved for your woman and make her happy like every other women out there, Doctor Aziba product is 100% Vegans and guarantee with no side effects Contact Doctor Aziba via whatsApp: +2348100368288 or mail him: PRIESTAZIBASOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM

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  34. I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that I would be healed someday.This disease started to circulate all over my body and I have been taking treatment from my doctor, a few weeks ago I came on search on the internet if I could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search I saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr. Silver and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so I wrote to Dr. Silver telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that I was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later I started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr. assured me that I have cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if I have been finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advice is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr. Silver ( sir I am indeed grateful for the help I will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address (

  35. DR SALATO THE BEST HERBAL DOCTOR AND SPELL CASTER IN AFRICAN  contact him immediately for penis enlargement or spell casting through or visit His website , you can call/WhatsApp him via +2348103629945Hi everyone ,I am TIMO WENER .I am here to share a great testimony of my life with you all.
    I was suffering from erectile dysfunction and little penis for the past 9 years of my life I got married to my wife 2 months ago and we were living happily until My penis size  decreased  from 7 inches to 4 inches my wife started complaining that I cannot satisfy her very well because of my erectile dysfunction and I do not last more than 5min during sex and it was really frustrating me my wife threaten to divorce me if =P did not look for a solution to my problems. I have use a lot of pills, drugs and surgery also some herbal medicine from INDIA but non could cure or enlarge my penis  but when I explained to my friend JACE ALBERT  He told me that, there is a HERBAL AND SPELL CASTER called DR SALATO from AFRICAN whom helped him to solve His premature ejaculation and small penis within two weeks of using His HERBAL MEDICINE.I decided to give Him a try by visiting his website link , He replied me and told me that His work is 100% guarantee but i did not believe him because i have encounter so many of them online and He told me what i should do which i did as instructed by him and he sent me the HERBAL LIQUID AND CREAM and to my greatest  surprise  it was just 7 days of using His HERBAL MEDICINE my penis size increased to 6 inches and I was lasting in bed with my wife 1hr and it was 14 days of using the HERBAL MEDICINE from DR SALATO I am now having 8.5 inches penis size and 8.0 girth also i now last 3hrs in bed with my wife also my wife is always complaining that my penis is too big for her and she is always screaming during sex with her. My wife now loves and respects me more than before and all thanks to DR SALATO for saving my marriage and for bringing happiness to my home. so friends if you are having similar issues or problems do not worry about it because DR SALATO is there for you. Contact him through his email address or visit His website , you can call/WhatsApp him via +2348103629945 also He can cure all kinds sickness or illness and cast any spell like HIV/AIDSHERPESALSCANCERDIABETESGET YOUR EX LOVER BACK SPELL MONEY SPELL LOTTO SPELL BREAKING CURSE SPELLPROTECTION FROM WITCHCRAFTSPIRITUAL ATTACK SPELLWIN COURT CASE SPELLRELEASE GOODS FROM CUSTOMS SPELLPREGNANCY HERBAL MEDICINEBREAST AND BUM ENLARGEMENT OIL ETC…… Just mention it and DR SALATO will do it for you permanently THANKS

  36. my dear readers around the globe, it is a great privilege to tell you about this great man who helped me over come the tragedy in my relationship, and how his herbal medicine help me too. My relationship became so complicated to a stage that I was scared of losing my wife to another, lasting long in bed was a problem and I knew deep down in my that my wife was not happy about it. Sometimes when I asked for sex the way she would act before the sex I noticed it was because I was not satisfying her, when she needed it more I hard already come and it was not the best. So I needed to find solution that was how I came in contact with DR OISE he really changed my sex life and ever since then life has been fun because my wife now love me more than she used to, all thanks to DR OISE for this great thing he did for me.. If you ever need help of any kind sickness like DIABETES.. HERPES.. you can visit DR OISE for solution or app+2348121847014

  37. hello everyone this is serious and real i want to tell the whole world about how DR SALATO HERBAL MIXTURE CREAM helped me enlarge my penis size ..i have trying since 16 years of age to enlarge my penis but none rendered me the help i want i have used vaccines, penis pump, surgery, online creams from USA SAMOA,CANADA CAMBODIA,AUSTRALIA and many more but none of them enlarge my penis i was really frustrated and tired of living because my penis was too small ,imagine a cute and handsome 36 years old man like me having 3.5 inches and to make it worse i was having erectile dysfunction which was so annoying to me, my girlfriends have left me because of my small penis GOD be the glory as i was searching for help on a Facebook page i saw one Mr EDDY ZACK from Italy testifying of how DR SALATO MIXTURE CREAM enlarge his penis and healed his father PROSTRATE CANCER .so i quickly visited his website link and message him on his email i saw on the website and he replied me and gave me comforting words and told me all i need to do and i was surprise he did not ask for money ,,i got his cream and he sent it to me through united parcel service (UPS)and i got it 4 days later and used the cream just as he told me and its just 1 days of using his herbal mixture my penis is now 11 inches long and 8.0 flaccidity am so happy to feel like a man in the bedroom at last so if you need penis enlargement, HIV/AIDS,HERPES CURE.DIABETES 1/2.HEPATITIS B, breast enlargement, weak erection, erectile dysfunction cure and many sexual relation cure do not hesitate to email him now or website you can also call or WhatsApp him on +2348103629945 thanks

  38. Hello everyone,I want you all to know that having a small penis is a big problem in your relationship or marriage because i have experienced it in my marriage.
    i have been married for three year and myself and my wife loved each other very much but she was not happy with me because of my sex life with her also i have 3.5 inches penis on erection and i cum within 10 sec in bed with her and it was really disappointing for any woman in this world.
    My wife has threaten to divorce me if i did not find a solution to my problem but i have used a lot of PILLS, DRUGS, PUMPS, SURGERY, FAKE HERBAL MEDICINE etc.but nor rendered me the help i was looking for and i almost gave up on the issue until one day that i was searching through the internet then i saw a testimony of MR LUCAS MAVIS from GERMANY testifying of how DR SALATO help him enlarge his penis size from 2 inches to 9 within two weeks of using DR SALATO herbal cream and liquid.then i decided to give him a try,I visited his website link and I emailed him,he got back to me with some comfortable words and He told me what to do which i did as i was told and he sent me His HERBAL MEDICINE and it was just one week of using His medicine and my penis has increased to 6.5 inches,i cannot believe my eye because i never believed that anything could enlarge my penis and it is now two weeks and my penis is now 11 inches on erection with a strong and thick round also i now last very longer in bed with my wife (2-3hrs). my wife now love me more than before also she is always streaming during sex with her.
    We are living more happily now than before and I thank DR SALATO for saving my marriage and family.
    so if you are having same issue or problem then do not hesitate to contact DR SALATO for a solution to all your problem on his email or visit his website you can call/whatsapp him +2348103629945 THANKS  

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  41. hello viewers i am very happy to share this testimony of DR SALATO who helped me to enlarge my penis size also save my marriage with his herbal medicine within two weeks of using his herbal medicine when i almost lost my marriage because i was having a very small penis,my wife always complain that i cannot satisfy her in bed the way she wanted because my penis was 2.5 inches long on erection and it was causing a lot problem between me and my wife also my wife wanted to divorce me because of the issue but my problem was solved when i was searching through the internet for a solution to my problem then i came across a testimony of one MR LUCKY from ITALY testifying on how DR SALATO enlarged his penis from 3 inches to 10 inches with his herbal cream .then i decided to give him a try by contacting him via email and he replied and gave me some things to do,which i did and it was only 7 days of using his herbal medicine and my penis has increased to 5 it is two weeks and my penis size is now 10 inches and i now last longer in bed more than before and my wife enjoy me more than before.i am so thankful to Dr Salato for what he did in my life. If you are having problems with your penis enlargement then you can contact him on his email drsalatosolutiontemple@gmail.comwebsite also you can call/whatsapp him +2348103629945THANKS

  42. I don't know if this is the right forum to say this, but I can't contain the excitement for myself, after going through silent tears and embarrassment for years as a result of my small penis and the premature ejaculation I finally got. a solution from Dr. Noble who sent me his penis enlargement therapy which I used for 14 days and my penis got longer and stronger (7.5 inches). I am so happy and proud of myself that now I can satisfy my wife, thank you Dr. Noble. For anyone facing a similar situation, I can boldly recommend Dr. Noble's penis enlargement therapy via call or WhatsApp at +2349059610643 or

  43. Hello everyone and I from Bronx,New York United States.I want everyone to know how grateful I am after the restoration of my life with the help of a spell caster called Dr oriane. He is great and unique,i met him in Estes park and i told all about my problem and how hard and terrible it had being for me living with DIABETES INFECTION and how difficult for me to get a permanent cure to this virus, and end all this problems with DIABETES which had cost me a lot money.he assure and guarantee me that his herbal medicine will cure me from DIABETES ,he prepare the herbal medicine and sent it to me via DHL OR UPS delivery express and instruct me to take it morning and evening after eating, within 1 month i was fully restore and cured from DIABETES INFECTION.. Dr oriane is indeed a real herbal doctor and may good lord bless and prosper can reach dr oriane on his email address at ( ) he will respond to your problems       

  44. Hello everyone and I from Bronx,New York United States.I want everyone to know how grateful I am after the restoration of my life with the help of a spell caster called Dr oriane. He is great and unique,i met him in Estes park and i told all about my problem and how hard and terrible it had being for me living with DIABETES INFECTION and how difficult for me to get a permanent cure to this virus, and end all this problems with DIABETES which had cost me a lot money.he assure and guarantee me that his herbal medicine will cure me from DIABETES ,he prepare the herbal medicine and sent it to me via DHL OR UPS delivery express and instruct me to take it morning and evening after eating, within 1 month i was fully restore and cured from DIABETES INFECTION.. Dr oriane is indeed a real herbal doctor and may good lord bless and prosper can reach dr oriane on his email address at ( ) he will respond to your problems       

  45. Herbal Penis Enlargement product is 100% guarantee to Enlarge and get a better ERECTION, the reason why most people are finding it difficult to enlarge Penis is because they believe on medical-report, drugs and medical treatment which is not-helpful for Penis Enlargement. Natural roots/herbs are the best remedy which can easily Enlarge your Penis permanently Contact or WhatsApp +2348100649947

  46. Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors prescribe for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the internet about this specialist called Dr odoma and decided to contact him on his mobile no i saw on the internet, I decided to give his herbal product a try. he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 1 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, " and now it just 2 weeks of using his products my penis is about 10 inches longer, and i had to settle out with my Ex girlfriend Jane, i was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr odoma  I also learn that Dr odoma also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement, If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr odoma  contact him now on his mobile no, or add him up on whatsApp (+2348100649947) email him

  47. Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors prescribe for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the internet about this specialist called Dr odoma and decided to contact him on his mobile no i saw on the internet, I decided to give his herbal product a try. he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 1 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, " and now it just 2 weeks of using his products my penis is about 10 inches longer, and i had to settle out with my Ex girlfriend Jane, i was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr odoma  I also learn that Dr odoma also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement, If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr odoma  contact him now on his mobile no, or add him up on whatsApp (+2348100649947) email him

  48. So amazing i am little bit ashamed to share this marvelous story about a great Dr Oselumen who helped me to enlarge my small penis size and my weak erection through his natural herbal medicine and cream,i was passing through many heart broke because i have a very small penis about 3 inches i was so are shame of my self i could not satisfy my wife in bed,my marriage was really breaking, my wife was about to divorce me and i needed help urgently,i have used all type of drugs but none work for me,so one faithful day as i was browsing through the internet i saw few comments on a forum about how Mr Paul Kern from France testified how Dr Oselumen helped him to enlarge his penis and also cured his weak erection,i contacted him through his email droselumen@gmail.come he replied and gave me steps to follow and i did just as he said ,and he sent me the natural herbal medicine and cream to me through the UPS service and i receive it within 3 days and i used the natural herbal medicine and the cream for just three weeks to my greatest surprise my penis that was just 3 inches got enlarge to 10 inches long and fully strong,wow my wife love me more then before i am so happy that i can satisfy her very well now in bed ,,i even last longer than before thank you so much Dr Oselumen for making me a real man again if you are out there having similar problems please contact him now on his email droselumen@gmail.come or whatsapp him or call him through his phone number +2348054265852.  

  49. Magnum XT is the natural male support formula designed to take your sexual performance to another level. This is the formula designed to combat against all sexual complications and erectile dysfunction. The supplement promotes healthy production of testosterone hormone in body that increases sexual desires and endurance, while helping you to perform harder and longer on bed. It reduces the fatigue levels and sexual decline caused due to aging and optimizes the sexual drives and arousal levels for peak performance on bed.
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  50. This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimonies. I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF OCT 2020, And I saw a marvelous testimonies of this powerful and great Doctor called PRIEST AZIBA on the forum. I never believed it, because I never heard nor learnt anything about Natural Enlargement Products. Nobody would have been able to influence me about Natural Enlargement Product not until PRIEST AZIBA did it for me and restored my Penis to a Normal size which i was very ok to have(11inch) he ask if I want to increase it further more i told him am ok with this I have now, so I’m recommending y’all in same situation to contact DR AZIBA via Email: PRIESTAZIBASOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and also Contact him on his whatsApp +2348100368288 I am really short of expressions, and i don’t know how much to convey my appreciation to you PRIEST AZIBA you are a God sent to me and my entire friends whom has also use your product.. And now I am a joyful man with my family. here is DR Email and WhatsApp contact below Email: & WhatsApp:+2348100368288

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  52. I want to share a testimony of how Dr.odoma herbal mixture cream saves me from shame and disgrace, my penis was a big problem to me as the size was really so embarrassing,and I was also having a weak erection problem. I can't make love to my wife and my penis was just too small a full grown man like me having 2 inches penis and to worsen it i don't last in sex i cant even last two minutes it was really a thing of shame to me. My wife was really tired of me because my sex life was very poor,she never enjoyed sex,i was always thinking and searching for solutions everywhere until when i saw a testimony of how Dr.odoma herbal mixture cream have been helping people regarding their sex life, so i decided to give him a try and to my greatest surprise in less than one week of taking the herbs my penis grow to 9 inches i couldn't believe my eyes. And as i speak now my penis is now 10 inches and i do not have weak erection again. I can make love to my wife longer in bed. And my marriage is now stable,my wife now enjoys me very well in bed. can contact him by calling or what-apps him through +2348100649947 . or email

  53. hello everyone i am Juan Rodriquez  from mexico but lives in Florida . I want to share a testimony of how Dr. Harry herbal mixture cream saves me from shame and disgrace, my penis was a big problem to me as the size was really so embarrassing,and i  was also having  weak erection problem and small penis . I can make love to my wife and my penis was just too small a full grown man like me having 4 inches penis and to worsen it i don't last in sex i cant even last two minutes it was really a thing of shame to me. My wife was really tired of me because my sex life was very poor,she never enjoyed sex,i was always thinking and searching for solutions everywhere until when i saw a testimony of how Dr. Harry. herbal mixture cream have been helping people regarding their sex life, so i decided to give him  a try and visited his website link    and he replied , i explained my problem and he sent me his meds to my greatest surprise in less than two weeks of taking the herbs my penis grow to 8 inches i couldn't believe my eyes and as i speak now my penis is now 11 inches and i do not have weak erection again. I can make love to my wife longer in bed. And my marriage is now stable,my wife now enjoy me very well in bed. EX LOVER BACK/BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND/WIFE/GIRLFRIEND PREMATURE EJACULATION LOW SPERM COUNT ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION HIV/AIDS CURE HERPES CURE INFECTION CURE PILE STROKE HEART FAILURE CANCER    You can contact him   website link    you can contact him today through his whatsapp or call +2349036417079 

  54. Natural herbs have cured so many illness that drugs and injection cant
    cure. I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful
    work they have done in people's lives. i read people's testimonies online
    on how they were cured of herpes, HIV, diabetics etc by Dr. voodoo herbal
    medicine, so i decided to contact the doctor because i know nature has the
    power to heal anything. I was diagnosed with HIV for the past 7 years but
    Dr. voodoo cured me with his herbs and i referred my aunt and her husband
    to him immediately because they were both suffering from herpes but to God
    be the glory, they were cured too .I know is hard to believe but am a
    living testimony. There is no harm trying herbs. He is also a spell caster,
    he cast spell to restore broken marriages and he cast good luck spells to
    prosper and excel in life. Contact Dr voodoo on Whatsapp or call him
    +2348140120719 OR email him

  55. hello everyone i am SOUTHGATE MORRISON from Manchester UK  i want to tell the whole world of great  dr HARRY herbal mixture i was unhappy ever since my girlfriend back then in college mocked me of having a small penis and weak in bed ,ever since then i have been trying to improve my sex life but all effort failed ..but it gut worse when i got married ,my wife is so angry with me and Threatened to leave me if i do not find a way and i love my wife so much so one faithful day i was reading some comments on a blog then i saw a comment of one MR GERARD PETE FROM new Orleans testifying of how dr HARRY  helped him enlarge his penis and Fertilise his sperm count so i quickly contacted him by his website link   and he got back to me and i did as he said my greatest surprise i got 10 inches within two weeks of using his herbal medicine and now its just 3 weeks i am having 10.5 inches i am so happy wife told me am so good in bed that i almost killed her last night all thanks to him note he also cure sicknesses and diseases like PENIS ENLARGEMENTERECTILE DYSFUNCTIONDIABETES type 1 and type 2HERPES GENITAL WARTLOW SPERM COUNTWEAK ERECTIONBREAST ENLARGEMENTPROSTRATE CANCERHIV/AIDSPREMATURE EJACULATION 
    so if you need his help contact him on his email  visit his site    or whatsapp him on +2349036417079   thanks 

  56. hello everyone i am SOUTHGATE MORRISON from manchester UK  i want to tell the whole world of great  Dr HARRY herbal mixture i was unhappy ever since my girlfriend back then in college mocked me of having a small penis and weak in bed ,ever since then i have been trying to improve my sex life but all effort failed ..but it gut worse when i got married ,my wife is so angry with me and Threatened to leave me if i do not find a way and i love my wife so much so one faithful day i was reading some comments on a blog then i saw a comment of one MR GERARD PETE FROM new Orleans testifying of how dr obue helped him enlarge his penis and fertilise his sperm count so i quickly contacted him by his website link   and he got back to me and i did as he said my greatest surprise i got 10 inches within two weeks of using his herbal medicine and now its just 3 weeks i am having 10.5 inches i am so happy wife told me am so good in bed that i almost killed her last night all thanks to him note he also cure sicknesses and diseases like PENIS ENLARGEMENTERECTILE DYSFUNCTIONDIABETES type 1 and type 2HERPES GENITAL WARTLOW SPERM COUNTWEAK ERECTIONBREAST ENLARGEMENTPROSTRATE CANCERHIV/AIDSPREMATURE EJACULATION 
    so if you need his help contact him on his email  visit his site    or whatsapp him on +2349036417079   thanks 

  57. it is an honour and my delightful moment to testify about a great man who cure my wife diabetes which she had been suffering from since 6 years,i have tried all the possible means to cure my wife from the diabetes,moving from one hospital to another but all the effort was not successful,we almost spent all our money still no hope,i was very confused and frustrated and at a point of giving up until a friend of recommend me to a great herbal doctor who also cure his wife from diabetes, his name his dr oriane ,i contact him and he advice me and recommend his medication to me which i bought and my wife started using the medication and within 21 days the diabetes was gone,my wife was perfectly okay, and today we are happy and we are forever thanking dr oriane for his signs and wonder he has done in our can contact him via his email at or add on whatsapp +2349031652461

  58. Hello everyone here . My name is CYRIL WILLIAMS and I am  from RUSSIAN.i just want to use this little opportunity to share my testimony with everyone  on how DR SALATO  helped me to enlarge my penis size from 3.9 inches to 9.5 inches. I want everyone to read my testimony and I know  it will affect your life positively on how you will enlarge your penis permanently. I came across so many comments about Dr SALATO Penis Enlargement Medicine CREAM and LIQUID on his website i was not able to satisfy my wife sexually due to premature ejaculation and small penis ..It was really affecting our marriage and my wife was about to leave me. Am really amazed at the fast results achieved within 7 days of using Dr. SALATO Penis Enlargement Medicine. It works and now I have got 9.5 inches. And my wife loves it more now, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis within  days of treatment, This went on for a little period of about 17 days and to my surprise my wife keeps screaming that she loves my big dick now. And my penis is now 9.5  inches long on erection and of course very large round. I am very happy for this Penis Enlargement experience. He can help with all kinds of cure you may need as follows Penis Enlargement Low sperm count Weak Erection diabetes type 1 and 2 Herpes cure HIV curePregnancy  Marriage spell  cancer cureALSwomb fertilization  witch craft attack  s t d diseases internal heat swollen of the body low sperm countlong time sickness kidney,heart,lungs,problem with doctor,Dr.SALATO you are in safe hands your healing is assured Email: Website      Call or whatsapp +2348103629945 thanks      

  59. I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman. but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the internet about this specialist called Dr Adam and decided to contact him , I decided to give his herbal product a try. he gave me some comforting words with his herbal medicine for Penis Enlargement, Within 2 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, and now it just 3 weeks of using his products my penis is about 9 inches already,he also have medicine for building muscles,fat burner and belly fat burner,Ed,quick ejaculation,premature ejaculation,low sperm counts and more,on his website at dradamokpoko.comcontact him on   or whatsapp +2348039715931

  60. Hello everyone out there,Douglas Allen, i'm here to testify of the wonderful work Dr Isibor has done for me with is herbal medicine, in the past years i have being going through hard times in any relationship am into, because of the small size of my penis which was not big enough to satisfy a woman, so which always end up in series of breakup in my relationship with women,because of this i have tried so many drugs to enlarge my penis but did not work out, then i decided to search online for solution to my problem and then came across so many testimony on how Dr Isibor have helped them find solution to their problems,so i contacted him on his email and told him about my small penis and ejaculation issue, he told me not to worry that he will help me be a real man again, i did not believe he can help me but i gave him a try, he told me what to do and then send me his herbal cream and medicine which i used and it worked for me,now am a happy man. He can also cure diabetes, back pain, herpes, prostate, bad breath amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS) and any kind of sickness you have. You can contact him by email on or through is whatsapp +2348145525016 This will be the end of your problems  

  61. Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors prescribe for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. I saw some comments on the INTERNET about this specialist called Dr.OGEDEGBE and decided to contact him on his email: so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr OGEDEGBE I also learned that Dr OGEDEGBE also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr OGEDEGBE now for help on his email ( or add him on whats app line +2348109374702..............
    HE ALSO CURE THE FOLLOWING ........ HERPES VIRUS........... HPV VIRUS........ WEAK ERECTION ............
    . PREMATURE EJACULATION.............
    . LOW SPERM COUNT.....................

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. There is a great herbal man called Dr voodoo who can cure Hepatitis B virus and other deadly diseases with the use of natural herbs to cure Hepatitis B virus problems. He is from Africa and he is a great doctor and he can also cure you as well if you are have the problem And other deadly disease and here is email address or Whatsapp +2348140120719 HERPES CURE,CANCER CURE,HIV/AIDS CURE,HPV CURE

  65. First, I want to complement this page administrator for creating this platform for us to express our feelings. Herpes is a serious and recurring disease which can't be cured through drugs or injections by the American doctors but the best way to deal with herpes is by taking natural herbs medicine from DR. ISHIAKU the greatest herbalist doctor in the world and is only few American doctors that know about this herbal medicine from Dr ISHIAKU .. I have read about Dr ISHIAKU the great herbalist doctor from African who can cure disease with his powerful herbal medicine. for the people suffering from the following diseases, Herpes,HIV/Aids, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Hpv, Infections ETC should contact him for his herbal medicine because i am a living testimony and i was cured of herpes. Although, i sent him what he requested and he sent me his medicine through DHL courier delivery company which i took for some weeks and when I went for the test, i was tested for herpes negative. you can reach him through his email: WhatsApp him at +2348180828544

  66. Hello everyone, Now this is to everyone out there with different health challenges, as I know there are still a lot of people suffering from different health issues and are therefore looking for solution. I bring you Good news. There is a man called Dr.Ayomide a herbal practitioner who helped cure me from Genital herpes, this i had suffered from for the past 2years and i have spent so much money trying to survive from it. I got my healing by taking the herbal medicine he sent to me to drink for about 9days . 3days after completion of the dosage, I went for a medical checkup and I was tested Genital Herpes NEGATIVE. I'm sharing this so that other people can know of this great healer called Dr Ayomide because I got to know him through a friend he cured from HIV. I was made to understand that he can cure several other deadly diseases and infections. Don't die in ignorance and don't let that illness take your life. Contact Dr.Ayomide through his email address; You can also call him or WhatsApp him on:+2348062443909 Thank you Dr. Ayomide. Be kind enough to share as you received.

  67. Thanks for the informative contents
    I was diagnosed of HIV/AIDS years ago,after i had an unprotected with a young girl i felt would be innocent but unknown to me she was a carrier. i tried so many drugs and herbs in Europe and Africa but none could wash me clean again my dreams of having kids left me cause i couldn’t find any woman who wants to stay with me knowing that i was a carrier because i always tell them of my status due to the meekness of my heart i kept on hoping not until a month ago i decided to search the internet again to see the latest development on the cure of my HIV then i saw some post of praise about Dr Abiodun of then i decided to contact him though i have purchase herbs in the past from some Africa herbal men that didn’t work.we got talking,finalized the agreement and i sent payment as agreed then on Thursday afternoon which was exactly three days that i made payment DHL COURIER SERVICE called me and told me that they needed me to sign for package that they came to the address i provided and that no one was in so i went signed and took my herbs i took it for 21days as instructed and ran the test again and as the devil will be put to shame there was no trace of any virus or whatsoever in my blood stream anymore i couldnt believe it so i went to another hospital to be doubly sure it was still negative then i thought to myself what ever you believe in works surely for you Dr Abiodun of cured me of my HIV he could be of help to you just believe from him i knew how powerful nature is over the acclaimed science of humans his Tel/Whats-App: Dr Abiodun on +2349153551847 working 24 hrs world wide dont be shy talk with him,get his herbs and be well again

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  70. hello everyone here, I am from United State , i want to share a great testimony of how Dr SALATO herbal mixture cream saves me from shame and disgrace, my penis size was a big problem to me as the size was really so embarrassing and discouraging, a 37 year old full grown man like me having 3 inches penis and to worsen it i don't last in sex i cant even last one minutes it was really a thing of shame my wife was really tired of me because my sex life was very poor , she never enjoyed sex, i was always thinking and searching for solutions everywhere until last months when i saw a testimony of how Dr SALATO herbal mixture cream have been helping people from the globe, I saw one MR JOHN testifying of how Dr SALATO helped him enlarge his penis size so i decided to give him a try ,we talked and he gave me steps to follow which i did and to my greatest surprise in less than 14 days of taking the herbal mixture cream my penis grow to 9 inches i couldn't believe my eyes and as i speak now my penis is now 10.7 inches long and i was amazed when my wife said i satisfy her so well now all thanks to Dr Salato herbal mixture cream, i will forever be grateful to him .you can contact him email or visit his website and you can call/WhatsApp +2348103629945

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  76. Hello everyone I am Gerraca mattews by name, there is a herbal doctor who can help you get rid of your Herpes disease permanently. He also helps me get rid of mine. I really appreciate him for saving my life. You can contact the herbal doctor for help, here is email ( ) or WhatsApp +2349021374574, I wish you good health. ..


  78. I stopped just to give accolades to the one who deserves it! Dr.Ogudugu on YouTube helped me get rid of herpes simplex. Email :

  79. This is true. Natural herbs have cured so many illnesses that drugs and injections can’t cure. I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. I read people's testimonies online on how they were cured of HERPES, HIV, diabetics etc by Dr Akhigbe herbal medicine, so I decided to contact the doctor because I know nature has the power to heal anything. I was diagnosed with HPV and Herpes for the past 3 years but Dr Akhigbe cured me with his herbs and i referred my aunt and her husband to him immediately because they were both suffering from Herpes but to God be the glory, they were cured too .I know is hard to believe but am a living testimony. There is no harm in trying herbs, visits to Contact Dr Akhigbe: Email:,WhatsApp number: +2349021374574
