An Uncomplicated Life Blog: My Favorite Moments As A Twin Mom

Monday, November 25, 2019

My Favorite Moments As A Twin Mom

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Triple Paste Medicated Ointment for Diaper Rash. All opinions are 100% mine.

While it's trendy to talk about all the ways motherhood is hard or outright stinks, here are some ways it's so fun and beautiful!

We started introducing solids at the 6 month mark with a variety of purees, but now that they each have eight teeth (and are currently cutting their one year molars) they're on regular table food. And honestly, they lost interest in purees very quickly.

Fruit and crackers: Teddy's favorites
One thing that's NOT fun about teething and introducing solids is the diaper rash that can come along with it. The twins aren't prone to diaper rash at all. In fact, the first time they ever had a diaper rash was when they went on antibiotics for an ear infection at 4 months old. But since introducing new foods, I notice every now and again they'll both have red bums. The twins still nurse twice a day but we also give them a little bit of whole milk to supplement and increase their fat intake. I've noticed that dairy in particular seems to be a driver of diaper rash for Teddy. I love using Triple Paste to take care of it quickly! Trust me, I've used just about every cream on the market (Otto was extremely prone to horrible diaper rash, so I learned allllllll about which cream is the most effective with him). Triple paste is the best by far! Save yourself some money and time stock up on it if you've got a baby entering or in the "teething and new foods" stage. Don't waste your time with the other brands! Trust me, you'll want this stuff on hand to quickly take care of any red bums after you've started solids and/or when your baby starts to cut teeth.

Diaper changes on the floor with distractions!
Being a twin mom has been a wild ride. Sure, lots of moments were stressful (times two!) or sleepless. But that means the good moments are enjoyable times two, too. And we're entering my favorite age, full of so many fun "firsts" like new teeth and new foods, discovering toys, crawling, and (hopefully soon) walking. Being a mom is hard, it's exhausting, it's frustrating and it's relentless; but it's also full of so many fun memories. I can't wait to make even more favorite moments as a twin mom, and I'm so glad I have Triple Paste to make my life easier.

Don’t forget to enter this amazing GIVEAWAY: Triple Paste is giving a $150 e-Gift Card from and a Baby Gift Basket to 5 lucky winners! Enter Here:


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