An Uncomplicated Life Blog: High Five for {Wishlist} Friday!

Friday, February 6, 2015

High Five for {Wishlist} Friday!

Have you ever been in a bit of a holding pattern as you wait for "the next big thing" to happen in life? That's where we're at.

I have tons of things to do, and tons of things I want to do, but all is on hold... Until after we move. Why clean that closet when we're just going to pack it up? Why start to plan a garden when I don't know where my yard will have light? For heavens sakes, don't buy anything, we'll just have to pack it and move it!

You probably know how it goes.

Anyway, this Friday Five post is brought to you by my inner wishlist. Of all the things I want or want to do ASAP, after we move.

1) I'm donating TONS of clothes and shoes I no longer wear. You know, to potentially make room for something like:

I adore these worn boots! Too bad it's only boot weather in Texas for another four days or so.

2) The door to my new pantry is painted with chalkboard paint, and I'm excited to use the top part to work some artsy magic! Are there such things as chalk-art lessons? I should get on that...

3) My almost nine month old is... Not a slight child. In fact, he's massive. So, it's time to switch him to a convertible car seat (because swinging that infant seat into the old SUV is nearly backbreaking at this point). I found this gem and am in looooooove! Can't wait to transition him. After we move.

Clek Foonf car seat with Paul Frank design. Seriously?! Yes!

4) I was completely un-serious about starting a garden. I don't garden. At all. I hate digging in dirt, and kill just about every plant. That's why professional gardeners, landscapers, and lawn men exist. And I'll be calling one. After we move.

5) I can't WAIT to start decorating! I want to start now... But we'd just have to move it. Soon, my inner-interior-decorator can make an appearance again. Soon.

Love One Kings Lane for quirky home items at up to 70% off retail! They do send emails at obnoxious levels, so watch out.

Have a wonderful weekend! I pray the packing gnomes come out and play at our house, and stay until the job is done.

Linking up with Amanda and Karli!



  1. Those boots are too cute!! I feel like after you've made room in your closet it only makes sense to replenish with new things!! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

    1. Aren't they?! I love the worn look! Hope you had a wonderful, not too snowy weekend!

  2. I cannot wait to see your new house. SO exciting!

    I completely understand about "holding pattern". That's where we are right now. I am so ready for my husband to graduate so we can move to the next stage! I need a home.

    And girl... when I start nannying for you, I'll do your gardening. #Love!

    1. Oh, I totally understand that whole graduating thing! Woof, I put my life on hold the whole time I was in grad school. I think you should start your Dallas move plans, and map out my garden and come help me with this baby! Yessssss.

  3. Good luck with the move! Getting rid of old stuff like clothes and starting to decorate again are the best parts. oh I really like the white on white look and that animal candle holder. They remind me of anthropologie, which has an awesome house section on their website xx

    1. Isn't it adorable?! I love it too, and can't wait to do some decorating. And yes, One Kings Lane is a lot like anthro - with some stuff even being priced better! Do they ship to Canada? You should check them out!

  4. we were exactly the same way with our move...getting life back feels SO good!

    LOVE those boots!!

    1. Girl, moving is seriously the worst. The. Worst. I've moved six times and 1100 miles in the last five years, and nine times and 5,000 miles in the last seven years. SO excited to own a home and stay put for a while!

  5. so excited for your move! Love those boots! I did a garden last year for the first time and it ok I guess. We'll see what happens this year.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I seriously kill everything I plant. I even like to go to the nursery and buy pots and plants and such. But keeping them alive? Much less pretty and green? I fail, real bad.

  6. I feel your pain with the decorating urge! That's how I felt prior to our move, and also when I had Sophie and all I wanted to do was shop! Girl, Im sure you can find a way to wear boots all season somehow - you do live in Texas right? and that's a super cute car seat

    1. Hahaha! I like the way you think. Alas, I'm no native Texan, and when it's 115 in the summer, aint no way I'm wearing boots. There would be puddles inside those bad boys, lol!

  7. I just did a serious purge in my closet and it felt SO good! Just making room for all the new stuff of course :) Cannot wait to see what you do with your new place! I'm sure it's going to be awesome!

    1. Thank you! Purging feels so good. And it's been so fun to see what y'all do with your place! It also reminds me how much work it is... Meh, it'll be fun work :)

  8. Oh those packing gnomes! I kept on watching gilmore girls and drinking wine and hoping they showed up.....I pretty much got rid of half of my closet when I moved it did feel amazing!

  9. Lovely wishlist! I also want to start a garden! It will be lovely! Thanks for sharing and good luck! :)
