An Uncomplicated Life Blog: Happy Birthday Otto!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Happy Birthday Otto!

Happy Second Birthday Otto!

Today is my youngest's birthday. It feels like I was pregnant and gave birth 10 or more years ago! That first year of his life really dragged on... Having two under two was no joke. The second year - this past one - has gotten SO much easier! Otto and Henry play together well and when Henry is out of Otto's eye sight, he'll pitter patter around the house calling out, "En'reee! En'reee!" which is his best attempt at pronouncing Henry. Cheers to Otto, who's now two years old.

Smirking Otto
He eats everything put in front of him with gusto. Usually, he uses both hands to shovel it in there faster! He'll finish his plate and usually have seconds, then finish what his picky eater brother did eat. I kid you not, this two year old eats more calories in a day than I do! It's always a pleasure to cook for him because he loves all food, even kale.

Eatin' Otto
Otto is a talker. He usually talks from the moment he wakes up to the second he goes to sleep. He even hummmms when he eats. I like to think it's because he enjoys eating so much but maybe it's because he's like his daddy and seriously never shuts up.

Lil 8 month old baby Otto
He's well over 30 pounds and is in the 99% for height. Everyone who sees him assumes he's 3. He also has long limbs, which cracks me up because when I was pregnant with him, my OB told me that he was measuring short and stubby... Nothing about this kid is short and stubby! (There's also nothing in our gene pool that's short and stubby so goes to show you how accurate ultrasounds are.)

Handsome 2 year old Otto
His favorite thing to do (besides eat) is race cars with his brother, build train sets, swing in our backyard and steal his brother's bike. He's also a big fan of taking crayons to our walls, which adds a nice artistic touch to our home. He's been a great sleeper since he was born. I can count on him to take a 2-3 hour nap and sleep from 7pm to 7:30am. Oh, thank God for good sleepers! Now if only he could teach his brother his amazing sleeping ways...

Oh Otto, you're full of so much personality. You make me laugh every single day. Happy Birthday, sweet boy.


  1. Aw happy 2nd birthday to Otto! He and Emmett are so similar. Second children I suppose.
    He’s turning into such a handsome little man!

  2. Happy birthday you sweetest boy! Oh, how these pictures made me smile. You make good babies, Paige.

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    The text expresses a heartfelt wish for Otto's birthday, wishing him joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories. It acknowledges the positive impact Otto has on the recipients' lives and expresses gratitude for his presence and friendship. The text encourages reflection on the ways Otto enriches their lives and brings happiness to those around him. The text concludes by wishing Otto another year of love, laughter, and cherished moments. It also suggests that the birthday is a reminder of the joy and happiness he brings into the recipients' lives and an opportunity to express appreciation for his presence. The text concludes with sincere wishes for a happy birthday.

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