An Uncomplicated Life Blog: Mommy Monday: The Nursery

Monday, July 7, 2014

Mommy Monday: The Nursery

I've posted "sneak peeks" about the nursery in this post and this one.

We ordered our furniture in February, and it didn't arrive until mid-June. Take note, dear readers and friends planning a pregnancy or who are already pregnant: it takes MONTHS for this stuff to come - order early! I think for baby #2, we'll get everything ordered in the first trimester. Seriously.

Back to interior design. So alas, Henry is nearly two months old already and we're just now getting around to completing his nursery. While we've had the furniture for a while now, we finished hanging pictures and his monogram on the wall this weekend. Good timing too, because we're starting to have him sleep in there at night... It's time to clear out the baby stuff from the master and re-claim that as an adult space, nawwhutimean?

Here it is, in all it's glory:

If you're a regular reader, you've seen this view before as the rocker was the first thing that was delivered from Babies R Us! The prints are from Etsy, trash can is from Target and the blanket and throw pillow is from Pottery Barn Kids.

Henry's monogram and shelf with a few toys that friends were sweet enough to gift us and my mother's day present from Kirk. I'm STILL in the market for jungle figurines to put on here, so if you know where to find them, please comment and let me know!

The teething necklace won't stay there :) The elephant lamp (Pottery Barn Kids) is perfect to keep on at night while he sleeps since it's just the right amount of light, and the beads shine it everywhere, so there isn't one overly bright beam going right in Henry's face, keeping him awake.

The crib Henry has yet to sleep a night in. We're getting closer! Rug, crib sheet and skirt all from Pottery Barn Kids; jungle mobile from Babies R Us.

I continued the green and blue theme into Henry's closet with these closet organizers from Babies R Us. This is half of his closet (it's divided) so each one fit perfectly in each half. Yes, that's a onesie with a tie on it. I'm WAITING for Henry to be big enough to wear it!

The changing table and book shelf. I made the (currently blank) frame hanging above while I was still pregnant, and we've ordered maternity shots to be placed in it. I actually had the order put together, but not placed, the day I went into labor... Thus why the frame is still empty! But they're coming soon.

I'm still in love with these book ends! The blue containers hold diapers, wipes and other baby essentials (thermometer, nail clippers, etc). And yeah, our baby monitor camera is positioned there. Not because we need close-ups of any diaper changes, but because we aim it at his bassinet that we put in the center of the room at night.

I went with a jungle theme for three reasons: a) it's friggin cute! b) it's fairly gender neutral so it will work for more than one baby and c) I can keep the green pieces I've selected for the room and take out the blue if a subsequent baby is a girl, and then have a green and pink nursery. It's also a calming color palette, which I've stated before that I think is important. I think usability (as in, can 're-use' various pieces) and likability (you have to want to spend some time in the room!) were my two most important factors in designing the space, and I'm really happy with how everything has turned out.


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