An Uncomplicated Life Blog: High Five for {Baby} Friday!

Friday, May 9, 2014

High Five for {Baby} Friday!

Whoohoo Friday!

LOTS going on around here! All sorts of surprising baby news. ALL SORTS.

Regardless, I clearly have enough time to compose this post quickly, so in the spirit of H54F, here she blows:

1) What we thought was a procedure day on Thursday was more or less "last minute data gathering" to check on the baby and me. What they found was surprising! I'll save you the baby-medical-details, but this baby is READY to join us, ASAP style! In fact, we're being admitted to the hospital today.

2) There is still a chance I get to keep my midwives, but the odds are all pointing to me keeping this doctor I was referred to. I have to say that I REALLY like her! She is one smart cookie and also supports holistic health and natural medicine where it's possible. This is SUCH a relief. I cannot even begin to explain this level of relief to you...

3) As you can imagine, the early baby news sent my husband and I into a frenzy! Kirk dropped me off at my nail salon so I could get my nails did up, and he headed over to get his haircut. Then, we went out to eat, in case that happens to be the last time we get out for a while...

Spring-y lavender mani

4) We might not have the crib and changing table yet, but my mom and I did get this put together this week! It came highly recommended to me by pretty much every new mom on the planet. So if he does join us before the crib is scheduled to arrive later in May, at least he has somewhere to sleep! Of course, do we have the batteries to operate it? Nope, why be that prepared?!

We planned on having baby boy sleep in this in our room for a while anyway!

 5) I was absolutely overwhelmed with all the wonderful words of prayer and praise I received yesterday! From comments and messages on facebook to emails, texts and phone calls, Kirk and I are so thankful we have so many fantastic people thinking about us and rooting for baby boy. We sincerely thank all of you for the encouragement!

That's all for now, friends! I'm off to pack my hospital bags. I hope everyone has a FANTASTIC weekend and that I have great news to report to y'all on Monday... Whatever that great news might be - a new baby or a flipped baby or BOTH!

Make sure to check out these other awesome blogs!

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