An Uncomplicated Life Blog: 7th Month Bumpdate

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

7th Month Bumpdate

Hey y'all, this baby is coming out soon! This is my fourth bumpdate and seventh month, and I've officially entered the "oh crap, I'm going to have a newborn in the house again" phase! I teeter on the edge of excitement about that, and complete fear at the work and lack of sleep that a newborn involves. Because for real... It's WORK. Alas, nothing can be done but to face it head on so let's jump right into my 7th month bumpdate, where I'll pretend you care about my pregnancy deets!

I'll make it entertaining, promise. Pinky swear.

What it's REALLY like to be 7 months #pregnant

Mood: Surprisingly calm. If you read this post about an "incident" that happened to me recently, you might be as shocked as I that I didn't go completely nuts on this woman. But I didn't. Although I think I nearly gave myself preeclampsia just thinking about all the things I wish I had said to her! Oh well, it all turned out for the best: I stayed out of jail and she stayed out of the hospital.

Craving: Just aversions. If you pin pictures of raw meat, I WILL vomit.

Weight & Workouts: I'm seven months, 28+ weeks, third trimester official and only up 12 pounds! Can I get an amen?! That's quite a bit below the low end of normal, but Otto is measuring perfectly for gestational age. I'm actually less than I was with Henry too, and I was trying to figure out why, since I'm eating and working out the same... And DUH! It's because I don't sit in an office for this pregnancy - I'm literally on my feet chasing/carrying a 30lbs toddler all. day. long. My child does NOT sit still. So that's why the pounds haven't packed on! And why I'm drop dead tired by 6pm. Also going to yoga, barre and walking 5x/wk, although at this point I'm taking every modification possible. Planks on my knees for me, thanks.

Maternity clothes: Did y'all see these jeans I got?! I had HOPED I would find something like them, although it's nearly impossible to find an inseam I can actually roll - especially in always-too-short maternity jeans. Joe's Jeans and Pea in the Pod to the rescue! Again. Always. (It's listed as a 28" inseam, but that's cuffed twice. I uncuffed it once and it hits about 2" above my ankle. My inseam to the floor is 36" for reference.) If you're tall and pregnant, just go there, price tag be danged. I'm not even trying anywhere else anymore, and Pea in the Pod isn't paying me to say that. #wishtheywould #hinthint
Gender: I'm still the queen of this castle! Otto William Stewart is his name.

Excited for: #basicgirl alert, but FALL! Please please please cool down, Dallas. It's funny, right at the magical 28 week mark with both Henry and this baby, it's like a light switch goes off: It's insta-pregnancy discomfort. I'm big, it's hard to move, it's hard to breathe, and I'm exponentially more tired. Like, immediately at 28 weeks, it's strange. Anyway, so if it would just go ahead and cool down, that would be ONE thing that makes my life easier, better, and less grumpy.

That's all for this 7th month bumpdate, friends! The finish line is near. Hopefully not too near; I don't need another preterm baby. Crossing my fingers (and my legs... If only that would work though, right?!) that this baby stays in until he's full term. So far, so good.


  1. Wow, you are getting so close! Only 12 pounds is awesome. You go, girl!

  2. Look at that belly button! ;)
    I cannot believe you're 7 months already. I'm getting so excited to meet little Otto.

  3. Glad you are feeling calm, that is always a good thing. You look lovely, lady!

  4. You are seriously looking incredible!! Only 12 pounds gained...super woman over there!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. You will be my total coach when it comes to staying accountable for workouts when that times comes. No lie though, the women who come into barre on the regular throughout their pregnancy look amazing and then they bounce back so quickly. Mark and I were having this discussion the other day about when women get pregnant and gain like 50 lbs because it's an eating free for all and that is not healthy for you or the baby. You look amazing, I love your bump!

  6. ugh who is pinning pictures of raw meat?! ew.
    those jeans are fabulous. i kind of want them anyway, pregnant or not. and dang girl, 12 lbs. that's awesome! i have a feeling i'll be one of those annoying women that Amanda mentioned above.. eating all the food and gaining all the weight :-|

  7. You look great!! Otto will be here before you know it! Love those jeans - preggo jeans are the worst! I feel like I'm always pulling them up, so if you found a great pair = rock them!!!

  8. Just reading "raw meat" made me want to throw up. Ew. Looking good lady! I still can't believe you're going to have a newborn in a few short months! And when it comes time for me to get maternity jeans (like soon, my skinny jeans are just not very comfortable now) I will be texting you so you can tell me how TPITP is worth the cost because right now the hubs is trying to talk me into all Target pants. Does he remember how short my pants were last time around?

  9. I love reading bumpdate posts =) I want to be pregnant again and my baby just turned 4 months haha.. you look great!

  10. You have such a cute belly! You are in the home stretch and will be smelling a sweet little baby soon!

  11. You look great! I wish I could have said I only gained 12 pounds at my 7th month!!!

  12. You look amazing! Soon you will be holding your sweet little baby!

  13. You are one of the prettiest and most stylish momma's I know. You make pregnancy look like a breeze! ;-)

  14. You look amazing!!! Your little baby will be here before you know it.
