An Uncomplicated Life Blog: What Summer Pregnancy Is REALLY Like

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

What Summer Pregnancy Is REALLY Like

Earlier this week, I wasn't really feeling like going to my standard barre or yoga class. So I pulled up the weather app on my phone to see if it was already too hot to head to White Rock Lake for a good walk. Is it just me, or does anyone else really benefit mentally from a good walk outside when they're in a rut/unmotivated?!

Anyway, I pull up the app. And I see THIS atrocity:

 Hey summer pregnancy, heyyyyyyyy!

Triple digits. As far as the eye can see. Or, as far as the app goes out, which is ten days. Ahhhh, true Texas summer has arrived! And y'all. It's making me a bad, insane, nasty pregnant woman.

Last week, when it was still *just* the high 90's, I pitched my phone clear across the parking lot in a pregnant rage. It may or may not be why I upgraded to the 6 plus recently (and can now pick up ghosts!) I don't even remember what set me off, but Henry found it super funny. That's an expensive way to get your toddler to laugh.

This heat is making me pukey too. I've battled a rough first trimester that has carried well into the second, and I think I have the heat to blame. After getting H in his seat and getting all necessary items loaded (purse, groceries, diaper bag, laundry detergent, etc) in a 120 degree parking lot, I have to sit for a few minutes with the AC fully blasting, all the vents on me. You know who doesn't like to sit stagnantly in a running car? Henry. It's a treat feeling like I'm going to faint/puke and having a screamer in the backseat. A realllllllllllll treat.

It's making me feisty! I'm feisty to begin with, but this is next-level y'all. Outside of my phone learning to fly, you should see how aggressively I pass idiots who refuse to drive the speed limit. They recently raised it again in inner-city Dallas, and I think most people missed the memo. And all the signs on the road every 500 feet. They're clearly missing those, too. In case you're a Dallasite, speed limit is 70, mmmmk? If there's no traffic and you're going 55 for NO reason, I will aggressively pass you. Or ride your a$$. Probably both. I just consider it a win that I'm not intentionally rear-ending you on principle alone, honestly. I think I've turned into a Dallas-driver...

It's making me make bad choices! Last weekend I went to do our grocery shopping, sans-Henry, pulled into the parking lot and promptly lost breakfast (sorry to the Lexus SUV next to me. Hope you got the spatter washed off before the heat baked it on something good!) Then I proceeded to buy chocolate milk, kettle chips, blueberry muffins, and white-flour tortillas. This is NOT how I eat! This is not how anyone should eat! This is absolutely not how any pregnant woman should eat! But the heat, baby and sickness made me go on a refined carb and high-fat-food binge. Now all I want to do is lay on the couch and eat all of it, all the time.

This is my first summer pregnancy. I learned I was pregnant with H in October and I evicted him mid-May, before it got really hot outside. I'm new to this whole "super hot and pregnant" deal. But I can tell you with absolute certainty, this is the LAST summer pregnancy I ever plan. This crap is for the birds. See what summer pregnancies do?! ALL of the heat = ALL of the crazy!

As evidenced by this text convo between hubs and me:

Hubs continues to be a saint. He offers to bring me a healthy smoothie for breakfast; I complain about my poor choices and feeling icky. The new {pathetic} normal.

Y'all, just pray that my sweet husband has continued patience for me! Poor man is living with a knocked up nutjob.


  1. Girl I'm SO sorry--that kind of heat is never fun, especially when you're carrying another human inside of you (or so I'd imagine anyway). I'm sorry that you're feeling sick too. Just do your best to make it through the best you can. Your hubs will still love you no matter what! :)

  2. Good luck! Two of my pregnancies were mercifully over the Winter, but the one Summer pregnancy, I had was in England - where they don't have air conditioning! Usually that's because it doesn't get hot enough to really need it, but that particular Summer - record highs. Of course. I still turn to into a big meanie when it's hot, but that year was especially brutal.

  3. Oh girl! That heat is too much! Your husbands texts are so sweet!

  4. I love that you say you evicted him in May!! That made me giggle! I'm sorry it's so unbelievably hot for you - I hope you keep the ac blasting and that your nausea subsides!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. I am so sorry that it is so hot for you - keep that air blasting and doing anything that makes you feel better :-)

  6. hahahaha evicted him. also chocolate milk, kettle chips, blueberry muffins sound amazing. the tortillas do not. i am sorry you're having such a rough time but seriously i am so jealous of your weather! lol. i would love it to be 100 every single day, i don't think it's barely reached 90 here. boo.

  7. You make pregnancy sound all too glamorous Hahahah
    Hope you're having a great day Hun xo

  8. I feel ya on the feisty part, especially in the store with people that insist on blocking the whole aisle.

  9. Oh no! I'm so sorry you're going through all of this.

    On the bright side... at least you're not to that waddle-stage of pregnancy, yet... right? My sister had a late August baby and she had a miserable miserable summer.

  10. Oh no! I'm so sorry you're going through all of this.

    On the bright side... at least you're not to that waddle-stage of pregnancy, yet... right? My sister had a late August baby and she had a miserable miserable summer.

  11. Summer pregnancy sounds the the worst! I need to keep that in mind for the future since I live in Florida. I don't think we've seen any triple digit days yet this summer, though. Your convo with your hubby is super cute, though! It's awesome that you have him to support you through this.

  12. I just love you girl. Also, how you reference things like "evict" him ;-) Sorry girl!!! Drink your chocolate milk and eat your white carbs you know that one meal isn't going to put you over the edge. The heat and terrible drivers make us doing crazy things.

  13. I just finished telling my husband the other day that I was NOT doing a summer pregnancy! I just couldn't even imagine how unbearable it must be, then I read your post. I am so sorry girl!! I want to say I hope it gets better, but I doubt the weather in Texas would agree. Haha! Anyways, good luck with it all! Also, new reader and really enjoyed your writing. I'll be following along from now on! :)

  14. Hilarious. Wishing you the best on your pregnancy.
